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Derecho Checklist

Soren Rasmussen edited this page Oct 18, 2023 · 14 revisions

Derecho is the new HPC cluster and there are some changes to WRF-Hydro that will help improve performance.



  • Use more MPI Collectives for better performance
  • Look into adding Do Concurrent: are overland routing sections good candidates for this?

Reduce number of files for file system

  • Reduce Number of Input Files
    • Possibly Related issues
      • #504 Allow for forcing files with multiple time steps per file
Method for reducing amount of input files Pros Cons
Add hourly time dimension in restart files
  • Reduce Number of Output Files
    • Possibly Related issues
      • #481 Add infrastructure to support flexibility for hydro output frequencies
      • #103 Add separate rtout frequency to hydro.namelist options
      • #229 Expand restart frequency options beyond hourly and monthly
      • #301 LDASOUT at init time
      • #448 Time dimensions should be associated with relevant variables in point output files
      • #627 Restart runs: internal times in CHANOBS and CHRTOUT_DOMAIN files are incorrect
Method for reducing amount of output files Pros Cons
Add hourly time dimension in output files


  • with Cray compiler -O3 breaks wrf-hydro


  • eliminate warnings from Cray compiler