- http://sqlitebrowser.org its SQLite but you can insert small databases to practice basic SQL
- Here is a file you can practice with: Crime Database
- Also basic python tutorial that I personally used to begin learning it: Python 3 Quick Tutorial
- Host: cs320ngg.cyxkzezznjnl.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
- Database: HP_Systemsd
- User: backend
- Password: PM me for this
psql -h cs320ngg.cyxkzezznjnl.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com -U backend -d HP_Systems -p 5432
- Host: ssh.mfdat.host
- Database: HP_Project
- User: backend
- Password: PM me for this
psql -h ssh.mfdat.host -U backend -d HP_Project -p 5432
- hp: the old table before column adding and computations
- hp_stats: contains min, max, avg, and stdDev for each system
- hpnmb: the new all system hp table, has added computaions and columns
- health_scores: table containing the different scores calculated in python
- health_scores_scala: table containing the different scores calculated in scala
- normalized_bandwith_date: contains misspelling but the rest of the queries use it computes normalized bandwidth for systems (bandwidth/maxBandwidth)
- querydump.sql contains many of the queries used
- columns.py is used for creating the large create tables needed for our data
- csvmerge.py is used for merging all of the 4500+ CSVs