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This project repository contains all files needed to build the NIAS server so far, as well as the instructions on how to use it


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A schematic describing the server is illustrated below.


In this section we will follow the steps of general server operation, this server will support python and MATLAB programming languages:

  1. The researcher must build a directory called project, inside his personal computer, containing all the files necessary for his project to run:

    • this directory must have two other directories inside of it, they must be called code and input

    • Under code will be the app file, which will be the executable program, and requirements.txt, intended to indicate the libraries used in the code.

      • Only the files named or app.m and requirements.txt will be read by the server
    • in order to build the requirements.txt you will have to find out which versions of python libraries your machine is using. To do this, use the following lines of code inside the terminal (put exactly the same output in the requirements.txt file):

      • For linux operating systems or online jupyter notebooks like google colab or Kaggle (use "!" at the beginning of the line of code if you are using online jupyter notebooks)
        pip freeze list | grep <libraryname>
      • For windows operatiing systems using powershell
        pip freeze list | Select-String <libraryname>
    • The directory input will contain the data by the program as input, such as images or datasets

  2. In order to run his project, the researcher must use ssh to get inside the server in his respective user. For doing that, the following command must executed:

    • To configure ssh in the PC, the resercher can use these links, to configure in windows and to configure in linux
    ssh -p PORT user@SERVERIP
    • Once the researcher enter in his user, he must execute the job file (Described below) using the following command:
  3. With the comands in step 2, the server will copy the project file from the researcher's PC and create a new directory fot it within the user's home directory

  4. After copying the project file, ter server will put the apropriate Dockerfile (Python or MATLAB) from the templates directory for the project directory

  5. Using the Dockerfile and the project file, the server will build an image and run a container from it, generating output to the code

    • It is important that all the output which the researcher wish to have access must be send to a directory called /output, because this is the directory inside the container that is attached to the real storage within the server
  6. Finally, the output generated by running the project container will be sent back to the researcher via ssh protocol

    • A directory called output will be created within the project directory on the researcher's PC to receive the project outputs

User Registry

First of all, to use this server, the researcher must register it self in the server. To do so, one must ask for the server administrator to run the user registry file. this file works as follows:

  1. Informations of the new user must be provided, such as:

    • A user name, made as follows: firstname-lastname
    • The name of the user in the researcher's personal computer
    • The port that reponds to ssh in the researcher's personal computer
    • A passphrase for building the ssh key
    • the UFV-VPN IP address of the resercher's PC (This IP address must be fixed)
  2. With the above information, a new user will be created, he will be part of the docker group in addition to his own. the user home directory will use skel-client to be build, this directory will contain the job file (described later) and .ssh directory.

  3. Inside ssh directory, the researcher's PC will be registered as a ssh host, in order to be accessed later, during the job routine

  4. To finish the registration, the server adminitrator must get in the newly created user and execute the commands to generate a new ssh key, using the passphrase provided, and send the public key to the researcher's PC


Once the researcher is registered, the server will be available for him to run his codes, for this, the script job must be executed. this section will explain how it works

  1. Some informations of the new job must be provided

    • Name of the user who is creating the job
    • Name of the project which will run in the server
    • The path of the project on the researcher's personal computer (the last directory name in this argument must be "project")
    • In what program language the project is writen, Python or MATLAB
  2. A new directory is created under the user home directory whose name is the name of the project

    • via ssh protocol, the project file is copied from the researcher's PC to this directory on the server
  3. A pertinent Dockerfile (Python or MATLAB) is copied from the templates directory to the project directory on the Server

  4. Now the script uses the docker build and run commands to build a new image, named after the project, create a container and execute it

    • in this command, the /output directory inside the container is bound to an output directory in the project directory, since the latter is in actual server storage
  5. After the container runs and its output is generated, the scrips sends, via ssh, this output back to the researcher's PC, creating an output directory in the previously given path


This server runs its jobs using Docker containers, as described earlier, the images are built from the code that the researchers make. In the current section the python and MATLAB dockerfiles will be described.

  1. There are two diferent dockerfiles, one for python projects and the other for MATLAB, both are similar with minor differences.

  2. The MATLAB dockerfile uses the r2021a version as its basis, while the python dockerfile uses 3.8-slim-buster

  3. In the MATLAB dockerfile the license path is given as environment vriable

  4. three directories are created, these are /code, /input, /output

  5. The content of the code and input files within the project directory are copied to /code and /input directories, respectively.

  6. In python dockerfile, the necessary libraries are installed according to requirements.txt file

  7. The researcher's code is executed

Next Steps

This is a first version of the server, therefor, there is a lot of room to improve and adjust some possible issues. this section will talk about some of these possible improvements and adjustments.

  • Analyze possible problem thet researchers are likely to have with opening ports on their routers

  • Use a second machine connected to the current one to build a cluster

  • Use pipelines to allow user to use send new jobs for the server only by commiting to github


This project repository contains all files needed to build the NIAS server so far, as well as the instructions on how to use it







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