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xenbak is a backup utility for XCP-Ng hypervisors written in rust.


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xenbak is a backup utility for XCP-Ng hypervisors written in rust.


  • configuration using TOML
  • can run as a daemon or as a one-shot command
  • xcp-ng hosts, storage-handlers and backup-jobs can be combined freely
  • 100% memory-safe rust
  • MUSL builds available (self contained binary, can run directly on xen host with no system lib dependencies)
  • filter VMs by tags (include/exclude)
  • multiple storage backends (local-storage, experimental borg-storage)
  • multiple compression algorithms for backups (zstd, gzip, borg algorithms, ...)
  • multiple alert handlers (mail,
  • uses the xapi CLI client (xe) to interact with local and remote XAPI hosts


Docker images come with all dependencies included. Manual installation requires the following dependencies.


  • xe (XAPI CLI client, pre-installed on XCP-NG hosts)
  • stunnel (for remote hosts, pre-installed on XCP-NG hosts)


  • borg (for borg storage backend)

xe installation

rpm package

Build artifacts from XCP-NGs build-server are available here



  1. Download the a release from the releases page and extract the binary to a location in your PATH.
tar -xvf xenbakd-v1.2.0.tar.gz
mv xenbak /usr/bin
  1. Create a TOML configuration file (config.toml) and adjust it to your needs. You can use the provided example config as a starting point.
mkdir -p /etc/xenbak && $EDITOR /etc/xenbak/config.toml

3.1 Run xenbak in deamon-mode (runs scheduled jobs)

xenbakd --config /etc/xenbak/config.toml daemon

3.2.1 Create a systemd service file (xenbakd.service) and adjust it to your needs.

$EDITOR /etc/systemd/system/xenbakd.service
Description=xenbakd is a backup daemon for Xen / XCP-NG hosts

ExecStart=/usr/bin/xenbakd --config /etc/xenbakd/config.toml daemon
# ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/xenbakd --config /etc/xenbakd/config.toml daemon > /path/to/log/xenbakd.log'


3.2.2 Enable and start the service

systemctl enable --now xenbakd


# run as daemon
docker run -d --name xenbakd -v /path/to/config.toml:/etc/config.toml -v path/to/storage:/mnt/storage
# run once / custom CMD
docker run -d --name xenbakd -v /path/to/config.toml:/etc/config.toml -v path/to/storage:/mnt/storage xenbakd --config /etc/config.toml run --j job1,job2


❯ xenbakd --help

__  _____ _ __ | |__   __ _| | ____| |
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 >  <  __/ | | | |_) | (_| |   < (_| |
/_/\_\___|_| |_|_.__/ \__,_|_|\_\__,_|

A backup daemon for Xen hypervisors

Usage: xenbakd --config <CONFIG> <COMMAND>

  daemon  Starts the xenbakd daemon
  run     Runs jobs once
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -c, --config <CONFIG>  Sets a custom config file
  -h, --help             Print help
  -V, --version          Print version

Daemon mode

xenbakd --config /etc/xenbak/config.toml daemon

Run specified jobs once and exit

xenbakd --config /etc/xenbak/config.toml run --jobs job1,job2


Install toolchain

rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

Build the MUSL binary

 RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo build --release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

Docker Image (needs above step)

docker build -t xenbakd:dev --file deploy/docker/Dockerfile .


log_level = "info" # debug, info, trace, warn, error

enabled = true
smtp_server = ""
smtp_port = 1025
smtp_user = ""
smtp_password = ""
smtp_from = "xenbak@localhost"
smtp_to = ["asdf@test.test"]

enabled = true
api_key = "api_key"
server = ""
grace = 7200
max_retry = 5

enabled = true
name = "xen1"
username = "root"
server = ""
password = "asdfasdf"
port = 443

enabled = true
name = "xen2"
username = "root"
server = ""
password = "asdfasdf"
port = 443

enabled = true
name = "local"              # name of the storage handler
path = "/mnt/storage/local" # path to the local storage directory
compression = "zstd"        # gzip, zstd or none
retention = 3               # keep the last N backups

enabled = true
name = "borg"                                                  # name of the storage handler
binary_path = "/usr/bin/borg"                                  # path to the borg binary
temp_dir = "/mnt/storage/tmp"                                  # borg needs a temporary directory to store the backup before it is uploaded to the repository
repository = "/mnt/storage/borgrepo"                           # path to the borg repository (can be local or remote)
encryption = "none"                                            # repokey-blake2, repokey, keyfile-blake2, keyfile, none
compression = "zstd"                                           # all of the borg compression algorithms
retention = { daily = 7, weekly = 1, monthly = 1, yearly = 1 } # Number of backups to keep
#ssh_key_path = ""                                              # (optional) path to the ssh key for remote borg repository, ignored on local

enabled = true
name = "test"
schedule = "0 */4 * * * *"
tag_filter = ["xenbak-daily"]          # Only backup VMs with the given tags
tag_filter_exclude = ["xenbak-exclude"] # Exclude VMs with the given tags
concurrency = 3                  # Number of concurrent backups
storages = ["local"]             # Storage to use for the backup
xen_hosts = ["xen1", "xen2"]     # Xen hosts to backup
use_existing_snapshot = true     # Use an existing snapshots instead of creating a new one, if available (default: false)
use_existing_snapshot_age = 3600 # Define the maximum age of an existing snapshot in seconds (default: 3600)


This project was supported by Trafficon – Traffic Consultants GmbH.