Open source warehouse management software follows Apache License 2.0 protocol and front-back stage decoupling method. API uses restful protocol to facilitate for add-on functions development. The html & js code is constructed with quasar(base on Vue.js v2.6.0+). According to API, it can support business models such as multi warehouse, wave shipment, combined picking and milk-run and so on.
Software copyright Code:China: 2018SR517685
Gitee Link:Gitee
Demo Link:
Technical QQ community:1051907485
* Python v3.8.0 +
* Django v3.1.3 +
* Django-silk v4.0.1 + (In production environment,please close silk,silk will leak user infomation)
* Node.js v14.15.0
* Npm v6.14.8
* Quasar v1.7.2+
* Vue v2.6.0+
* API,follow restful protocol
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Python Library
$ python makemigrations
Run Django database migrate file.
$ python migrate
Confirm migrate database. Django Primordial support sqlite3 database. If you wanna change database to others. Please editor singosgu/
Local Server
$ daphne -p 8008 django_wms.asgi:application
Local Server Port Customize
$ daphne -b -p 8008 django_wms.asgi:application
If you customize the Port. The user in local area network can use 'server IP:Port' to browse the software
According to front-back stage decoupling method. It support you to develop more extend software
* The project of AGV has been open-source. It use Tracking sensor,Ultrasonic obstacle avoidance sensor, Infrared obstacle avoidance sensor. Base on HTTP protocol & WEB Web Framework. In order to ensure safety, data interchange must bind AGV's MAC address and IP address .
* Don't use warehouse modular, API can support fast develop a sales management system.
* API can support you develop a real time data monitoring system.
* Goods' QTY, Create_time, Last_update_time be detailed record. So you can analyst the inventory cleary and develop a SCM system.
* Openid is user's unique identification. Data unique identification is appid. Data-line unique identification is t_code. So it facilitate support Multi Warehouse Management
* Can set Cyclical-Requests to realize Wave picking & shipping.
* Can edit supplier & customer's authorization. Let them know the goods demand & consumption
* Ditto
* You can set picking route rule to imporve picking productiveness.