The Greyhats Lrn2Lrn Series where People Teach Each Other Things. Please see Getting Started to begin.
- Sample Lesson
- Introduction to x86 Assembly
- Introduction to Linux Exploitation
- Introduction to Web Security
- Introduction to Windows
- Introduction to Crypto
To begin, fork this repository and make your changes to your personal fork. Take the following steps each time you want to write a lesson:
- Remove the topic you are interested from 'Topics Available' or create a topic of your own.
- Add your entry to the 'Work in Progress' section.
- Create your lesson plan and associated lesson material in ./lessons/. Please use the following naming scheme: ./lessons/author-username_index_title/.
- Commit the changes.
- Submit a pull request to the main repository owned by the NUS Greyhats.
These are the topics currently taken by a person. Please follow the format: "Topic - Author".
- None Yet - Not Me
These are the topics available to write about. Please choose something you are not familiar with so you will learn something new.
- Introduction to Understanding x86 Assembly
- Include instructions or a Vagrantfile to setup the environment required to allow the learner to follow the lesson plan.
- Include exercises to help the learners familiarise themselves with the common x86 instructions.
- Introduce the tools required to reverse engineer a basic x86 binary
- Introduction to Web Security
- Introduction to Linux Exploitation
- Introduction to Windows Exploitation
- Introduction to Forensics
- Introduction to Cryptography
Feel free to add more topics you are interested in.