Javascript/HTML5 Research - System framework.
Intended to research and playaround with various HTML5 technologies to provide as streamlined and versatile application as possible, the main goal is to build a totally server less runtime which is able to bootstrap itself and dynamically load additional extensions as they're provided.
The current framework incarnation has been tested and works to 100% on the following platforms and operating systems.
Windows 8
- Google Chrome 30.0.1599.66
- Mozilla Firefox 24.0
Mac OS X 10.9
- Safari 7.0 (r9637.71)
- Mozilla Firefox 23.0.1
- Google Chrome 29.0.1547.65
iOS 7.0
- AppleWebKit/573.51.1 Safari/9537.53
Also notice this is not production code, it's not intended for anything else but playing around with various techniques.
All code is under BSD license- that means you may freely take, derive or improve on this and use it; for whatever reason you want as long as the copyright message is available according to the licensing terms.