This was the Final Project of the "Udacity - Front End Web Developer nanodegree" course. You can have a look at this project here.
This project required to build out a travel app that, at a minimum, obtains a desired trip location & date from the user, and displays weather and an image of the location using information obtained from external APIs.
Note: To make successfull API calls you need to have valid API keys for (Geonames), (Weatherbit) and (Pixabay).
- Clone this Repository
- Node.js and npm needs to be installed
- Create a '.env' file in the app directory and paste in your keys:
geonames_user = YOUR_KEY_HERE weatherbit_APIKEY = YOUR_KEY_HERE pixabay_APIKEY = YOUR_KEY_HERE
- Run
npm run start
in your terminal. - Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000/
The Udacity project specifications to pass the course can be looked up in the project rubric.
The GeoNames geographical database covers all countries and contains over eleven million placenames that are available for download free of charge.
The High Performance Weather API for all of your Weather data needs.
API for searching and retrieving free images and videos released under the Pixabay License.