MERN stack group chat application utilizing, enabling bidirectional communication between clients and the server.
Gatha is the final project of our Web Dev class at DCI. Our goal, as a group of 3 students within the 7-week project timeframe, was to deliver a functional chat application that our classmates could use on the day of the final presentation (December 14, 2023). We also aimed at writing DRY, clean and well-documented code. As a team, we are proud of the results and have decided to leave the project as is. If you are interested in our presentation slides, you can view them here.
Access the application here. Optionally, join our public demo group by entering group code 'YAZKQGRY' from within the application.
Yesim Demir | Abdulwase Naeemi | Felix Schmidt |
Design Lead & Full-Stack Allrounder | Backend & Lead | Frontend Lead & Product Manager |
- Responsive design including distinct page structure for smartphones.
- Two different designs based on the user's logged-in status.
- User creation and authentication using JWT token security, with automatic logout when the token expires.
- Group creation and management, allowing users to create groups, add other users (via sharing a human-readable group code or manually adding them), promote users to group admins, and remove non-admin users from groups.
- Continuous synchronization of users' views and the database.
- Real-time messaging with other users in a group.
- Rendering all groups of a user and allowing seamless switching between them.
- Sending and deleting messages, always displaying the most recent message while allowing users to browse the entire group chat history.
- Rendering group info, including a list of group members and their admin status, and allowing users to leave the group.
- Displaying user online status and a typing indicator.
- Emoji picker for desktop devices.
Development Tools:
- Separate development deploy infrastructure (e.g., URL and database) to test on the web before pushing to production.
Gatha is licensed under the MIT License. MIT License