A website that allows users to generate random images from imgur and manage favorites.
Install node package manager npm. You should be able to run the following commands.
node --version
npm --version
git clone https://github.com/Nalhin/imgur-generator
cd imgur-generator
npm install
npm run start
Imgur App generates 5 character hashes and keeps sending requests until a valid image is found. Subsequently, the image is displayed to the user. This app could be used to generate 6 or 7 character hashes, however with so many dead links it would take forever to find a valid one.
React, React Router, Redux, Redux Saga, Sass, Firebase.
- React Router basics.
- Firebase.
- Redux.
- Redux Saga.
- Asynchronous requests with Redux.
- Scss.
- BEM.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.