✔ | v3.0.0
⚡ v3.0.0 | DiscordBot-Template
This update brings out all of the newest discord features like threads, buttons, select and context menus!
✨ | New features
- Button Interaction Handler with categories!
- Select Menus Interaction Handler with categories!
- Support for all new Context Menus or right-click interactions and automated registration!
- All new Slash Commands with automated registrations!
🛠 | Fixes & Updates
- The code is now fully documented using jsDoc.
- Bot now supports Discord.JS v13!
- Threads are now supported!
- Advanced Error Handling implemented!
- Default Messages like onBotMention, onButtonError etc implemented for more advanced user experience!
💖 | Credits
- Thank a ton to @KrishGarg for contributing and helping.
And much more - to your creativity.
This template now covers A-z of Discord API components. Feel free to give a star to support development!