As a user, I want a C# program that will create a continuously shifting display in order prevent burn in on my CRT monitor.
Objective: Apply one or more of the following principles
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
Consider the following methods:
- Console.SetCursorPosition
- Console.BackgroundColor
- System.Threading.Thread.Sleep
- Console.WindowWidth
- Console.WindowHeight
- Using your preferred CLI, git-bash is preferred if on Windows OS
- cd 'preferred project folder'
- git clone https://github.com/NansySalem/Screensaver
- Start Screensaver/Screensaver.sln
- The above command will open the project in visual studio
- Alternatively, you can download the project folder
- Unzip the folder, open Screensaver-master folder
- Run Screensaver.sln