Typescript implementation of a domain-parametric debugger.
This repository stores the live version of dpDebugger, as well as different versions referenced in multiple papers.
To access the live version of dpDebugger, refer to the main branch.
To access the version referenced in the paper dpDebugger: a Domain-parametric Debugger for DSLs using DAP and Language Protocols submitted to the Tools and Demonstrations track at MODELS 2024, go to the toolsMODELS2024 tag.
Similarly, to access the version referenced in the paper Language Protocols for Domain-Specific Interactive Debugging submitted to the SoSym journal, go to the sosym2024 tag.
- Node.js 18.0+
- TypeScript 4.8+
From the root folder:
npm i
From the root folder:
node out/main.js --port=<PORT>
where PORT is the number of the port at which the debugger will listen (usually 49153).