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The Effect of Correlation Structure on the Performance of Risk Optimised Portfolios

================ Nathan Potgieter


This document serves as the README for Nathan Potgieter’s Stellenbosch University Masters thesis. This works sets out to perform Monte Carlo simulations of five different financial market types, each with a unique correlation structure, and then evaluate the performance of numerous portfolio optimisation routines in each market type. This is done in order to determine how a markets correlation structure impacts the performance of portfolio optimisers. Ideally a set of heuristics will be developed that can aid portfolio managers in their decision of which portfolio optimiser to use.

Creating Correlation Structure Types

This section sets out to design five distinct 50 by 50 market correlation matrices, ranging from highly unrealistic, and purely theoretical, to more realistic hierarchically clustered matrices.

# Loading required packages
p_load(MCmarket, tidyverse, ggcorrplot)

# First look at the diagonal correlation matrix
# This seems far to simple and boring; Check with nico
corr_1 <- diag(50)
eigen_1 <- eigen(corr_1) # all eigenvalues are 1 and all eigenvectors contain only zero's
corr_1 %>% ggcorrplot(hc.order = TRUE, title = "Diagonal Matrix")

# Correlation matrix with no clusters
corr_2 <- gen_corr(D = 50, Clusters = "none")
eigen_2 <- eigen(corr_2)
corr_2 %>% ggcorrplot(title = "No Clusters")

# Correlation matrix with 5 clusters
corr_3 <- gen_corr(D = 50, Clusters = "non-overlapping", Num_Clusters = 5)
eigen_3 <- eigen(corr_3)
corr_3 %>% ggcorrplot(hc.order = TRUE, title = "Five Clusters")

# Correlation matrix with 10, 5 and 2 overlapping clusters
corr_4 <- gen_corr(D = 50, Clusters = "overlapping", Num_Clusters = c(10,5,2), Num_Layers = 3)
eigen_4 <- eigen(corr_4)
corr_4 %>% ggcorrplot(hc.order = TRUE, title = "Overlapping Clusters")

# Some empirical correlation matrices - from S&P500
# See ??corr_mats for info on how dataset was compiled
# First looking at "normal market"
corr_5 <- corr_mats$cor_normal[[2]]
eigen_5 <- eigen(corr_5)
corr_5 %>% ggcorrplot(hc.order = TRUE, title = "Normal Market") +
    theme_bw() +
        axis.title = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank())

# "stressed market"
corr_6 <- corr_mats$cor_stressed[[1]]
eigen_6 <- eigen(corr_6)
corr_6 %>% ggcorrplot(hc.order = TRUE, title = "Stressed Market")  +
    theme_bw() +
        axis.title = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank())

# "rally market"
corr_7 <- corr_mats$cor_rally[[1]]
eigen_7 <- eigen(corr_7)
corr_7 %>% ggcorrplot(hc.order = TRUE, title = "Rally Market")  +
    theme_bw() +
        axis.title = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank())

# Data set of eigenvalues
eigens <- tibble(corr_1 = eigen_1$values,
                 corr_2 = eigen_2$values,
                 corr_3 = eigen_3$values,
                 corr_4 = eigen_4$values,
                 corr_5 = eigen_5$values,
                 corr_6 = eigen_6$values,
                 corr_7 = eigen_7$values)
rm(eigen_1, eigen_2, eigen_3, eigen_4, eigen_5, eigen_6, eigen_7)

# Printing Eigenvalues in a table
head(eigens, n = 10)

A tibble: 10 x 7

corr_1 corr_2 corr_3 corr_4 corr_5 corr_6 corr_7 1 1 15.9 9.10 21.7 18.0 20.4 9.42 2 1 10.4 9.10 6.73 3.28 2.54 4.66 3 1 6.28 9.10 1.9 2.20 1.73 2.19 4 1 3.92 9.10 1.90 1.51 1.55 2.03 5 1 2.59 9.10 1.09 1.37 1.33 1.67 6 1 1.81 0.1 1.07 1.30 1.19 1.46 7 1 1.32 0.1 0.4 1.20 1.14 1.40 8 1 1.01 0.1 0.4 1.18 1.10 1.27 9 1 0.793 0.1 0.4 1.06 1.05 1.22 10 1 0.640 0.1 0.4 0.999 1.03 1.20

Simulating Markets

#clearing memory and Viewing current limit
memory.size(max = NA)

# Setting number of markets and length of progress bar.
N <- 50
pb <- dplyr::progress_estimated(N)

market_1 <-
    1:N %>%
    map_dfr(~sim_market_with_progress(corr = diag(20),
                                      k = 252,
                                      mv_dist = "t",
                                      mv_df = 3,
                                      marginal_dist = "norm",
                                      marginal_dist_model = list(mu = 0.02,
                                                                 sd = 0.1),
                                      ts_model = NULL),
            .id = "Universe")

# Saving dataframe
save(market_1, file = "data/market_1.rda")
save(market_1, file = "data/market_1.Rdata")

Portfolio Optimisation

pacman::p_load(lubridate, fitHeavyTail, RiskPortfolios, tbl2xts, rmsfuns)

opt_port_return <- function(data, method, cov_calc_period = 100) {
  data_exante <- data %>%
    select(date, Asset, Return) %>% 
    spread(Asset, Return) %>% 
    arrange(date) %>% 
    filter(date<first(date) %m+% days(cov_calc_period))
  # Calculating covar mat
  cov <- data_exante %>% 
  select(-date) %>% 
  fit_mvt() %>% .$cov
  # Calculating min var weights and making xts 
  weights <- data %>% 
    filter(date == first(date)) %>% 
    mutate(weight = case_when(
      method == "naive" ~ 1/n(),
      method == "minvol" ~ optimalPortfolio(Sigma = cov, 
                                            control = list(type = "minvol", constraint = "lo")),
      method == "invvol" ~ optimalPortfolio(Sigma = cov, 
                                            control = list(type = "invvol", constraint = "lo")),
      method == "erc" ~ optimalPortfolio(Sigma = cov, 
                                         control = list(type = "erc", constraint = "lo")),
      method == "maxdiv" ~ optimalPortfolio(Sigma = cov, 
                                      control = list(type = "maxdiv", constraint = "lo"))
      )) %>% 
    select(date, Asset, weight) %>% 
    tbl_xts(cols_to_xts = "weight", spread_by = "Asset")
  # Creating expost portfolio dataset
  data_expost_xts <- data %>%
    select(date, Asset, Return) %>% 
    spread(Asset, Return) %>% 
    arrange(date) %>% 
    filter(date>first(date) %m+% days(cov_calc_period)) %>% 
  # Calculating portfolio returns
  rmsfuns::Safe_Return.portfolio(data_expost_xts, weights = weights) %>% 

# Calculating portfolio returns across universes

naive_port_m1 <- market_1 %>% 
  split(market_1$Universe) %>%
  map_dfr(~opt_port_return(.x, method = "naive", cov_calc_period = 100), .id = "Universe")

min_var_port_m1 <- market_1 %>% 
  split(market_1$Universe) %>%
  map_dfr(~opt_port_return(.x, method = "minvol"), .id = "Universe")

invvol_port_m1 <- market_1 %>% 
  split(market_1$Universe) %>%
  map_dfr(~opt_port_return(.x, method = "invvol"), .id = "Universe")

erc_port_m1 <- market_1 %>% 
  split(market_1$Universe) %>%
  map_dfr(~opt_port_return(.x, method = "erc"), .id = "Universe")

maxdiv_port_m1 <- market_1 %>% 
  split(market_1$Universe) %>%
  map_dfr(~opt_port_return(.x, method = "maxdiv"), .id = "Universe")

Portfolio Analytics

universal_portfolio_analytics <- function(portfolio_return_tbl,
                                          method) {
  if(!method %in% c("sd", "DownsideDeviation", 
                    "VaR", "CVaR", "SharpRatio", 
                    "AverageDrawdown", "maxDrawdown")) stop("Please Provide a valid method argument")
    xts_list <-
    portfolio_return_tbl %>% 
    split(portfolio_return_tbl$Universe) %>% 
    map(~select(.data = .x, date, portfolio.returns)) %>% 
    method == "sd" ~ map(xts_list, ~sd(.x)),
    method == "DownsideDeviation" ~ map(xts_list, ~DownsideDeviation(.x)),
    method == "VaR" ~ map(xts_list, ~VaR(.x)),
    method == "CVaR" ~ map(xts_list, ~CVaR(.x)),
    method == "SharpRatio" ~ map(xts_list, ~SharpeRatio(.x)),
    method == "AverageDrawdown" ~ map(xts_list, ~AverageDrawdown(.x)),
    method == "maxDrawdown" ~ map(xts_list, ~maxDrawdown(.x))
  ) %>% 

list_all_portfolio_analytics <- function(portfolio_return_tbl) {
  StandardDeviation = universal_portfolio_analytics(portfolio_return_tbl, method = "sd"),
  DownsideDeviation = universal_portfolio_analytics(portfolio_return_tbl, method = "DownsideDeviation"), 
  VaR = universal_portfolio_analytics(portfolio_return_tbl, method = "VaR"), 
  CVaR = universal_portfolio_analytics(portfolio_return_tbl, method = "CVaR"), 
  SharpRatio = universal_portfolio_analytics(portfolio_return_tbl, method = "SharpRatio"),
  AverageDrawdown = universal_portfolio_analytics(portfolio_return_tbl, method = "AverageDrawdown"),
  maxDrawdown = universal_portfolio_analytics(portfolio_return_tbl, method = "maxDrawdown")

# All Portfolio analytics for each portfolio type
# naive_portfolio_analytics <- list_all_portfolio_analytics(naive_port_m1)
# min_var_portfolio_analytics <- list_all_portfolio_analytics(min_var_port_m1)
# invvol_portfolio_analytics <- list_all_portfolio_analytics(invvol_port_m1)
# erc_portfolio_analytics <- list_all_portfolio_analytics(erc_port_m1)
# maxdiv_portfolio_analytics <- list_all_portfolio_analytics(maxdiv_port_m1)

port_analytics <- list(
  StandardDeviation = tibble(
    naive_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(naive_port_m1, method = "sd"),
    min_var_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(min_var_port_m1, method = "sd"),
    invvol_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(invvol_port_m1, method = "sd"),
    erc_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(erc_port_m1, method = "sd"),
    maxdiv_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(maxdiv_port_m1, method = "sd")
  DownsideDeviation = tibble(
    naive_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(naive_port_m1, method = "DownsideDeviation"),
    min_var_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(min_var_port_m1, method = "DownsideDeviation"),
    invvol_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(invvol_port_m1, method = "DownsideDeviation"),
    erc_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(erc_port_m1, method = "DownsideDeviation"),
    maxdiv_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(maxdiv_port_m1, method = "DownsideDeviation")
  VaR = tibble(
    naive_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(naive_port_m1, method = "VaR"),
    min_var_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(min_var_port_m1, method = "VaR"),
    invvol_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(invvol_port_m1, method = "VaR"),
    erc_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(erc_port_m1, method = "VaR"),
    maxdiv_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(maxdiv_port_m1, method = "VaR")
  CVaR = tibble(
    naive_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(naive_port_m1, method = "CVaR"),
    min_var_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(min_var_port_m1, method = "CVaR"),
    invvol_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(invvol_port_m1, method = "CVaR"),
    erc_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(erc_port_m1, method = "CVaR"),
    maxdiv_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(maxdiv_port_m1, method = "CVaR")
  SharpRatio = tibble(
    naive_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(naive_port_m1, method = "SharpRatio"),
    min_var_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(min_var_port_m1, method = "SharpRatio"),
    invvol_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(invvol_port_m1, method = "SharpRatio"),
    erc_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(erc_port_m1, method = "SharpRatio"),
    maxdiv_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(maxdiv_port_m1, method = "SharpRatio")
  AverageDrawdown = tibble(
    naive_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(naive_port_m1, method = "AverageDrawdown"),
    min_var_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(min_var_port_m1, method = "AverageDrawdown"),
    invvol_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(invvol_port_m1, method = "AverageDrawdown"),
    erc_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(erc_port_m1, method = "AverageDrawdown"),
    maxdiv_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(maxdiv_port_m1, method = "AverageDrawdown")
  maxDrawdown = tibble(
    naive_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(naive_port_m1, method = "maxDrawdown"),
    min_var_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(min_var_port_m1, method = "maxDrawdown"),
    invvol_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(invvol_port_m1, method = "maxDrawdown"),
    erc_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(erc_port_m1, method = "maxDrawdown"),
    maxdiv_portfolio = universal_portfolio_analytics(maxdiv_port_m1, method = "maxDrawdown")


Calculating Expected returns and Covarience matricies.

pacman::p_load(lubridate, RiskPortfolios, fitHeavyTail)

# selecting only one market
data <- market_1 %>% 
  filter(Universe == 1) %>% 
  select(date, Asset, Return) %>%
  spread(Asset, Return) %>% 
  arrange(date) %>% 
  filter(date<first(date) %m+% days(100)) # only first 100 days
rm(market_1); gc()

data_no_date <- data %>% select(-date) %>% data.matrix()

# Simple covariance matrix: Assuming Gaussian (when we know actually t)
cov <- RiskPortfolios::covEstimation(data_no_date)
# Ledoit Wolf shrinkage:
cov_lw <- RiskPortfolios::covEstimation(data_no_date, control = list(type = "lw"))
# Shrinkage using constant correlation matrix:
cov_const <- RiskPortfolios::covEstimation(data_no_date, control = list(type = "const"))
# FitHeavyTail method
HTT <- fitHeavyTail::fit_mvt(data_no_date)
mu_ht <- HTT$mu
cov_ht <- HTT$cov

cov %>% cov2cor() %>% ggcorrplot()
cov_lw %>% cov2cor() %>% ggcorrplot()
cov_const %>% cov2cor() %>% ggcorrplot() # this seems junk
cov_ht %>% cov2cor() %>% ggcorrplot()

Mu <- data %>%
  select(-date) %>% 
  data.matrix() %>% 

Setting Constraints

Calculating Some Portfolio Optimiser Weights

pacman::p_load(quadprog, tbl2xts, RiskPortfolios)

minvar(var = cov_ht, wmin = 0.0, wmax = 1)

optimalPortfolio(Sigma = cov_ht, 
                 control = list(type = "minvol", constraint = "lo"))

optimalPortfolio(Sigma = cov_ht, 
                 control = list(type = "invvol", constraint = "lo"))

optimalPortfolio(Sigma = cov_ht, 
                 control = list(type = "erc", constraint = "lo"))

optimalPortfolio(Sigma = cov_ht, 
                 control = list(type = "maxdiv", constraint = "lo"))

Nieve 1/N Portfilio Returns

Min Var Portfolio Returns


# Creating a single market dataset
data <- market_1 %>% 
  filter(Universe == 1) %>% 
  select(date, Asset, Return)  

# Creating a wide exante data set
data_exante <- data %>%
  spread(Asset, Return) %>% 
  arrange(date) %>% 
  filter(date<first(date) %m+% days(100))

# Calculating covarience matrix
cov <- data_exante %>% 
  select(-date) %>% 
  fit_mvt() %>% .$cov

# Calculating min var weights and making xts 
weights <- 
  data %>% 
  filter(date == first(date)) %>% 
  mutate(weight = minvar(cov, wmin = 0, wmax = 1)) %>% 
  select(date, Asset, weight) %>% 
  tbl_xts(cols_to_xts = "weight", spread_by = "Asset")

# Creating expost portfolio dataset
data_expost_xts <- data %>%
  spread(Asset, Return) %>% 
  arrange(date) %>% 
  filter(date>first(date) %m+% days(100)) %>% 

rmsfuns::Safe_Return.portfolio(data_expost_xts, weights = weights)


Nathan Potgieter's Masters Thesis






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