This game is a project done during an internship at EyeCueLab. In this multiplayer, real-time game, users create a team, set various campaign variables (such as a daily step goal and a campaign length) and survive this apocalytic wasteland by making it to safehouses. Each day, users must complete the alloted daily step goal, otherwise the whole team has to go back to the previous safe house! Users encounter random events, not limited to zombie attacks, searchable buildings, and the occasional undead programmer--all while keeping track of your daily steps.
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.
- Android Studio
- Java JDK 8+
- Android SDK
git clone <>
this repository into your AndroidStudioProjects folder- Run project through phone or emulator by clicking the "Run" button in the top toolbar or pressing Shift + F10
Android Studio, Android SDK, Java v1.8, Java JDK, Gradle
MIT License Copyright (c) 2016 Nathan Romike and Kassidy Malone-Douglas