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Parallel Clustering based Topic Modeling with KRNewsBERT

정부 및 국회 주관 "2022 과학기술 AI / DATA 분석 경진대회" AI 모델 개발 부문 1등 (최우수상) 수상작

1. Project Background

  • Topic modeling is an unsupervised learning process that automatically extracts topics or issues from a document set by analyzing the patterns of words constituting text data.
  • Cluster-based topic modeling is a methodology that combines embedding from language models with a clustering architecture.
  • In this project, we create a KRNewsBERT language model and then design a KRNewsBERT based-topic modeling model using parallel clustering and semantic embedding techniques.

2. Dataset

  • The Korean National Assembly provided News articles, Twitter, and online community data related to major legislation in Korea.
  • Korean NLI and STS dataset were additionally collected for fine-tuning the language model.

3. Overall pipeline

To summarize the entire process of the 『Parallel Clustering based News article Topic Modeling』 we designed, it consists of the following four steps. Both Steps 1 and 2 are the process of pre-training and fine-tuning the language model to create KRNewsBERT.

  • STEP 1) Unsupervised training(TSDAE) : The language model (KRNewsBERT) understands the context of a given news article and optimizes it for the domain through unsupervised learning of the TSDAE method.

  • STEP 2) Supervised trainig(NLI and STS) : Our language model (KRNewsBERT) trains on the Korean NLI·STS dataset so that the model can distinguish similarities between sentences or documents.

  • STEP 3) Parallel Clustering : This clustering method we designed focuses on speed and stability.

  • STEP 4) Keyword Extraction : Extracts important words from clustered groups using C-TF-IDF (Class-based Term Freq-Inverse Doc Freq) calculation method.


STEP 1. Unsupervised training(TSDAE)

  • TSDAE consists of the following three steps:
    1. TSDAE introduces noise to input sequences by deleting or swapping tokens.
    2. These damaged sentences are encoded by the transformer model into sentence embedding.
    3. Another decoder network then attempts to reconstruct the original input from the damaged sentence encoding.

STEP 2. Supervised trainig(NLI and STS)

  • In order to implement high-performance text clustering and topic modeling, a language model that generates high-quality semantic embeddings is important.
  • Accordingly, two types of supervised learning are additionally performed: Natural Language Inference (NLI) and Semantic Textual Similarity (STS), which fine-tune the vector space between similar sentences.

STEP 3 - 4. Parallel Clustering-based Topic modeling

  • Clustering-based topic modeling is using a clustering framework with contextualized semantic embeddings for topic modeling.

  • We develop a simple cluster-based topic modeling focused on speed.

    1. News article embedding apply the parallel clustering method to group semantically similar articles.
    2. Each cluster is regarded as a topic and then model select representative words from each cluster through the class-based TF-IDF formula.
  • Experimental results demonstrate that our parallel clustering is faster and more coherent in text embeddings clustering than other famous clustering methods.


parallel_clustering_algorithm c-tf-idf

4. Topic Modeling results


5. Dev

  • Seoul National University NLP Labs
  • Navy Lee