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This package helps you to cache your files with service worker.

npm package


  • with npm
npm i -D vite-pwa
  • with yarn
yarn add -D vite-pwa
  • with pnpm
pnpm add -D vite-pwa


Add vitePwa() (or whatever you decide to name your default import) to the list of plugins in the ViteJS configuration file (vite.config.js) of your project.

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vitePwa from 'vite-pwa'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [/*...*/ vitePwa()],

Once you have done that, this will create everything's you need to make a pwa(I mean just Service Worker caching) in production mode


type Options = {
   * Name of the worker file that will be generated
  swDest: string = 'sw'

   * Name of the worker regiester file that will be generated
  registerSwDest: string = 'swRegister'

   * If enabled file mappings will be generated
  map: boolean = false

   * Name of the file mappings that will be generated.
   * Output: //
   * - /mappings.all.json [All the files that are inside the build folder]
   * - / [All the files that is created by vite]
  mapDest: string = 'mappings'

   * This enables spa(single page application) mode when there is no internet. All the requests will redirected to '/'
  spa: boolean = true

   * If enabled 'service worker' and 'service worker register' files will be included in the pre-cache
  preCacheSw: boolean = true

   * manually add files that will be precached
  preCacheFiles: [string] = []

   * Check which files should be included in the pre cache list
   * 'true' -> all
   * 'RegExp' -> regex.test(fileName)
   * 'function' -> true | false
   * Anything else will be ignored
  preCacheFilter: true | function | RegExp | any = null

   * Cache name for preCached files
  preCacheName: string = 'pre-cache'

   * Cache name for runtime cached files
  runtimeCacheName: string = 'runtime-cache'