Gala is a python library for performing and evaluating image segmentation, distributed under the open-source Janelia Farm license. It implements the algorithm described in Nunez-Iglesias et al., PLOS ONE, 2013.
Gala supports n-dimensional images (images, volumes, videos, videos of volumes...) and multiple channels per image.
- Python 2.7
- numpy 1.7+
- scipy 0.10+
- Image (a.k.a. Python Imaging Library or PIL) 1.1.7
- networkx 1.6+
- HDF5 and h5py 1.5+
- nose 1.3+
- cython 0.17+
- scikit-learn 0.10+, preferably 0.14+
- matplotlib 1.2+
- scikit-image 0.9+
- progressbar 2.3-dev
- vigra/vigranumpy (1.9.0)
For vigra, you are on your own. It is used for the random forest classifier, but if you don't install it you can use any of the scikit-learn classifiers, including their newly-excellent random forest.
Gala is a pure python library and can be installed in two ways:
- Add the gala directory to your PYTHONPATH environment variable, or
- Use distutils to install it into your preferred python environment:
$ python install
You can install all the requirements yourself: most are available in the Python Package Index (PyPI) and can be installed with simple commands:
$ pip install scikit-learn
Alternatively, a number of Python distributions include all the above dependencies and a bunch more for good measure. Two examples are Continuum Anaconda and Enthought Canopy.
Finally, you can use Janelia's own buildem system to automatically download, compile, test, and install requirements into a specified buildem prefix directory. (You will need CMake.)
$ cmake -D BUILDEM_DIR=/path/to/platform-specific/build/dir <gala directory>
$ make
You might have to run the above steps twice if this is the first time you are using the buildem system.
On Mac, you might have to install compilers (such as gcc, g++, and gfortran).
The test coverage is rather tiny, but it is still a nice way to check you
haven't completely screwed up your installation. Note: the test scripts
must be run from the tests
$ cd tests
$ python
$ python
$ python
$ python
An example script,
, exists in the tests/example-data
directory. We step through it here for a quick rundown of gala's capabilities.
First, import gala's submodules:
from gala import imio, classify, features, agglo, evaluate as ev
Next, read in the training data: a ground truth volume (gt_train
), a
probability map (pr_train
) and a superpixel or watershed map (ws_train
gt_train, pr_train, ws_train = (map(imio.read_h5_stack,
['train-gt.lzf.h5', 'train-p1.lzf.h5',
A feature manager is a callable object that computes feature vectors from
graph edges. The object has the following responsibilities, which it can inherit
from classify.base.Null
- create a (possibly empty) feature cache on each edge and node, precomputing some of the calculations needed for feature computation;
- maintain the feature cache throughout node merges during agglomeration; and,
- compute the feature vector from the feature caches when called with the inputs of a graph and two nodes.
Feature managers can be chained through the features.Composite
fm = features.moments.Manager()
fh = features.histogram.Manager()
fc = features.base.Composite(children=[fm, fh])
With the feature manager, and the above data, we can create a region adjacency graph or RAG, and use it to train the agglomeration process:
g_train = agglo.Rag(ws_train, pr_train, feature_manager=fc)
(X, y, w, merges) = g_train.learn_agglomerate(gt_train, fc)[0]
y = y[:, 0] # gala has 3 truth labeling schemes, pick the first one
and y
above have the now-standard scikit-learn supervised dataset
This means we can use any classifier that satisfies the scikit-learn API.
Below, we use a simple wrapper around the scikit-learn
rf = classify.DefaultRandomForest().fit(X, y)
The composition of a feature map and a classifier defines a policy or merge priority function, which will determine the agglomeration of a volume of hereby unseen data (the test volume).
learned_policy = agglo.classifier_probability(fc, rf)
pr_test, ws_test = (map(imio.read_h5_stack,
['test-p1.lzf.h5', 'test-ws.lzf.h5']))
g_test = agglo.Rag(ws_test, pr_test, learned_policy, feature_manager=fc)
The best expected segmentation is obtained at a threshold of 0.5, when a merge has even odds of being correct or incorrect, according to the trained classifier.
The RAG is a model for the segmentation. To extract the segmentation itself,
use the get_segmentation
function. This is a map of labels of the same shape
as the original image.
seg_test1 = g_test.get_segmentation()
Gala transparently supports multi-channel probability maps. In the case of EM images, for example, one channel may be the probability that a given pixel is part of a cell boundary, while the next channel may be the probability that it is part of a mitochondrion. The feature managers work identically with single and multi-channel features.
# p4_train and p4_test have 4 channels
p4_train = imio.read_h5_stack('train-p4.lzf.h5')
# the existing feature manager works transparently with multiple channels!
g_train4 = agglo.Rag(ws_train, p4_train, feature_manager=fc)
(X4, y4, w4, merges4) = g_train4.learn_agglomerate(gt_train, fc)[0]
y4 = y4[:, 0]
rf4 = classify.DefaultRandomForest().fit(X4, y4)
learned_policy4 = agglo.classifier_probability(fc, rf4)
p4_test = imio.read_h5_stack('test-p4.lzf.h5')
g_test4 = agglo.Rag(ws_test, p4_test, learned_policy4, feature_manager=fc)
seg_test4 = g_test4.get_segmentation()
For comparison, gala allows the implementation of many agglomerative algorithms, including mean agglomeration (below) and LASH.
g_testm = agglo.Rag(ws_test, pr_test,
seg_testm = g_testm.get_segmentation()
The gala library contains numerous evaluation functions, including edit distance, Rand index and adjusted Rand index, and our personal favorite, the variation of information (VI):
gt_test = imio.read_h5_stack('test-gt.lzf.h5')
import numpy as np
results = np.vstack((
ev.split_vi(ws_test, gt_test),
ev.split_vi(seg_testm, gt_test),
ev.split_vi(seg_test1, gt_test),
ev.split_vi(seg_test4, gt_test)
This should print something like:
[[ 0.1845286 1.64774412]
[ 0.18719817 1.16091003]
[ 0.38978567 0.28277887]
[ 0.39504714 0.2341758 ]]
Each row is an evaluation, with the first number representing the undersegmentation error or false merges, and the second representing the oversegmentation error or false splits, both measured in bits.
(Results may vary since there is some randomness involved in training a random forest, and the datasets are small.)
An ultrametric contour map (UCM) can be thresholded to provide the segmentation at any threshold of agglomeration. (It may, however, result in a split when a segment becomes thinner than three pixels, because gala uses a pixel-level approximation for the boundary between segments, which is ultimately a subpixel property.)
To get the UCM, agglomerate to infinity, and then use the get_ucm
With the UCM, you can test threshold-dependent segmentation performance, using, for example, the split VI plot:
ucms = [g.get_ucm() for g in [g_test, g_test4, g_testm]]
vis = [ev.vi_by_threshold(u, gt_test, [0], [0])[1:] for u in ucms]
colors = ['deepskyblue', 'orange', 'black']
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from gala import viz
viz.plot_split_vi(vis, colors=colors)
plt.xlim(0, 1); plt.ylim(0, 1)
And, as mentioned earlier, many other evaluation functions are available. See
the documentation for the evaluate
package for more information.
# rand index and adjusted rand index
ri = ev.rand_index(seg_test1, gt_test)
ari = ev.adj_rand_index(seg_test1, gt_test)
# Fowlkes-Mallows index
fm = ev.fm_index(seg_test1, gt_test)
# pixel-wise precision-recall
pwprs = [ev.pixel_wise_precision_recall(u, gt_test) for u in ucms]
Gala supports a wide array of merge priority functions to explore your data.
We can specify the median boundary probability with the
argument to the RAG constructor:
g_testM = agglo.Rag(ws_test, pr_test,
A user can specify their own merge priority function. A valid merge priority function is a callable Python object that takes as input a graph and two nodes, and returns a real number.
That's a quick summary of the capabilities of Gala. There are of course many options under the hood, many of which are undocumented... Feel free to push me to update the documentation of your favorite function!