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A general purpose Discord Bot for the Arcade Cafe server.


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Beano is a general purpose discord bot I made for the Arcade Cafe Server. It will log most important events, has moderation features, fun commands, and a starboard, and features complete slash command support.



  • birthday tells you what your birthday is. It's ok, we all forget sometimes.
  • birthdays gives you a nice list of everyone's birthdays
  • nextbirthday tells you who the next person to have their birthday is.
  • setbday <mm> <dd> <yyyy> lets you set your birthday(make sure it's an actual birthday).

Custom Commands & Auto Responders

  • aradd <trigger> <response> [another response] [another response]... will let you create an auto responder, which will respond immediately with a random response out of your list when somebody sends that trigger.
  • arclearall will clear the list of auto responses in the guild.
  • ardel <responder id> will delete a certain auto responder.
  • arget [command ID] will give you information about a certain auto responder, or give you a list of all of them with ids.
  • ccadd <trigger> <response> [another response] [another response]... will let you create a custom command, which will allow the users to use the trigger as if it's a command, and respond with a random response out of your list
  • ccclearall will clear the list of custom commands in the guild.
  • ccdel <responder id> will delete a certain custom command.
  • ccget [command ID] will give you information about a certain custom command, or give you a list of all of them with ids.


  • 8ball <question> will roll the ol' 8 ball with your question.
  • ascii <text> will convert your text into ascii format.
  • fact will give you a random fact.
  • flip will flip a coin.
  • meme will give you a random meme from the r/dankmemes subreddit.
  • mock <text> wiLl mOck tHe TeXt lIkE thIs.
  • catfact will give you a catfact!
  • animal will give you a picture of a cute animal from r/animals!


  • help [command] will DM you with a list of all Beano's commands, or give you information about any one command.
  • pingwill give you information about Beano's latency.


  • ban <user> [reason] bans a user with an optional reason
  • kick <user> [reason] kicks a user with an optional reason.
  • mute <user> [time] will mute a user, optionally unmuting them after a certain amount of time.
  • highlight <phrase> [channel] will highlight a phrase and ping you whenever the phrase is said, ignoring the optional channel argument. Re-highlighting the phrase will remove the highlight.
  • prefix <prefix> will change Beano's prefix.
  • purge <number> will purge a certain amount of a channel's messages.
  • role <user> <role name> will give or remove a role from a user
  • unmute <user> will unmute a user.
  • warn <user> [reason] will warn a user. 2 warns will mute them for 2 hours, and 4 warns will kick them.


  • clearsb [original message id] [original message channel id] will clear the starboards, or remove a certain starboard using it's message and channel ID.
  • sblb [page] will tell you who has the most starboards.
  • sbs [user] will tell you how many starboards you have, or someone else has.
  • starboards [page] will give you a list of the guilds' starboards.

Reaction Roles

  • rr <Channel ID> <Message ID> <Role ID> <Reaction Emote> will create a reaction role on the given message with the given role and emote.
  • rrall will display all active reaction roles.
  • rrdel [id] will delete the reaction roles, or a certain one.


  • suggest <suggestion> will send a suggestion in the guild's suggestion channel.
  • suggestdel <suggestion ID> will delete a certain suggestion.
  • suggestget <id> will give you information about a certain suggestion.
  • suggestions will give you a list of active suggestions.
  • suggestionsclear will clear all active suggestions.
  • suggestmark <id> <Dead|In_Progress|Done> [reason] will mark a given suggestion as either dead, being worked on, or implemented with an optional reason.


  • avatar [user] will give you your avatar, or someone else's.
  • botinfo will give you information about the client.
  • calc <equation> will calculate an equation.
  • embed <title> ++ <description> will create an embed.
  • setreminder <time> <reminder> will create a reminder.
  • say <text> will make Beano repeat you.
  • serverinfo will give you information about a server.
  • study <time> will isolate you so you can study in peace.
  • timezones will give you information about the most popular timezones.
  • urban <word> will define a word from Urban Dictionary.
  • whois <user> will give you information about a certain user.
  • color <hex code || r, g, b> will visualize a color for you.


  • back will go to the previous song.
  • disconnect will disconnect Terra from the VC.
  • filter will give you a list of filter options.
  • loop <option> will give you a list of loop options.
  • lyrics <song name> will give you the lyrics to a song.
  • next will go to the next song.
  • play <song name | spotify URL | playlist URL> will play a song.
  • playnext <song name | spotify URL | playlist URL> will play this song next.
  • queue will give you a list of the current queue.
  • skip will skip the current song.
  • skipto <index> will skip to a certain song in the queue.
  • volume <1-100> will change the volume of the music player.
  • np will tell you what song is playing.
  • pause will pause/resume the music player.


If you want to host a copy of Beano yourself, you can do so by following these steps:

  • Create a bot account on Discord, and get the token.
  • Create a Discord server, and invite TerraBot to it.
  • Create a MongoDB collection, and get the URI.
  • Find the sample_token.json file in your TerraBot folder, and fill in your information.
  • Replace the values in the config.json file with your information. Feel free to DM me on Discord at ツCheesyNeeshツ#8152 if you need any help.


A general purpose Discord Bot for the Arcade Cafe server.







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