This code performs data publishing and subcribing on two MQTT Brokers simultaneously
I am using ENC28J60 Ethernet Module and Devkit v1's integrated Wifi.
- GPIO 18 : SCLK
- GPIO 23 : MOSI
- GPIO 19 : MISO
- GPIO 5 : CS
- NOTE : SDK Configurations for SPI has to be done on individual level
- This code is developed for ESP32 on Embedded C Language using FreeRTOS.
- MQTT is a lightweight, publish-subscribe network protocol that transports messages between devices. The protocol usually runs over TCP/IP.
- ESP32 will the client and the MQTT URL will be the Broker.
- A client can either subscribe to a specific topic on the MQTT broker and get the data/messages.
- Client can also publish to a specific topic on the MQTT broker
- In this example, I will connect to two separate MQTT Brokers from same ESP32 and create both subscribing and publishing logic.
- I am pinging "" to verify Internet Services but you can also ping the MQTT broker itself ( which is much more optimal solution ).
- Turns out, you can connect to multiple MQTT Brokers at the same time, but stability/reliablity is still not confirmed.
- VERY IMPORTANT: ESP gives WIFI connection priority over Ethernet by default ( at least in my test cases ). Hence, if your ESP is connected to an AP but isn't receiving any Internet Packages, it won't shift to Ethernet!!