Bug Smashers is an issue tracking application similar to GitHub. Users can create or view projects and open up issues.
View Demo
Table of Contents
- C# / TypeScript
- React.Js
- XUnit
- Jest
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
The app is broken up into these projects:
- The controller and program.BLL
- The service layer and AutoMapper configuration.DAL
- Repositories, entityframework models, input models, and migrations).DTO
- Data transfer objects.Test
- The XUnit tests
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/NeptuneRjo/BugSmashers.git
- Select the .API project as the startup project if it isn't already
- In the .API project, configure the appsettings.json file as following:
"ConnectionStrings": { "DefaultConnection": "Your SQL Server Connection String" }, "GitHub": { "ClientId": "Your GitHub OAUTH Client Id", "ClientSecret": "Your GitHub OAUTH Client Secret", }, "JWT": { "Key": "A JWT Key" }
- CD into the frontend project and install NPM packages
cd ./bugtrackerfrontend npm install