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Repository mirror for base OS packages


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Host Distfeed and Rocky Linux repository mirrors on Porthos

This module provides a simple web stack to serve DNF repositories and NS8 application Distfeed, based on Nginx + PHP-FPM.


Instantiate the module with:

add-module 1

The output of the command will return the instance name. Output example:

{"module_id": "porthos1", "image_name": "porthos", "image_url": ""}

For optimal performance, mount a filesystem with data deduplication or a LVM-VDO device. For example:

dnf install lvm2 vdo vdo-support
vgcreate porthos /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-porthos-volume
lvcreate --type vdo --name webroot --extents '100%FREE' porthos
mkfs.xfs -K /dev/porthos/webroot
mkdir -vp /srv/porthos/webroot
mount /dev/porthos/webroot /srv/porthos/webroot
chown -c porthos1:porthos1 /srv/porthos/webroot

Create the webroot volume bounded to the device mount point:

runagent -m porthos1 podman volume create --opt=device=/srv/porthos/webroot/ --opt=type=bind webroot

Then proceed with the first module configuration: see how to run configure-module in the next section.


See the current module setup:

api-cli run module/porthos2/get-configuration


    "source": "rsync://",
    "retention": 45,
    "server_name": ""

Change one or more attributes with a command like this:

api-cli run module/porthos2/configure-module --data '{"retention":30}'

To publish the repository, a HTTP host name route must be configured from the cluster-admin Settings page.

When the configure-module action is executed for the first time, service and timer units are enabled and started.

Timers are:

  • take-snapshot.timer is a weekly job that update Rocky Linux repository mirror contents and makes a copy of repodata.json and other metadata from NS8 repositories.

  • sync-head.timer is a frequent job that 4 times per hour, from Monday to Friday and during working hours, makes a copy of repodata.json and other metadata from NS8 repositories.

Services are:

  • fpm.service
  • nginx.service

Environment variables

  • PORTHOS_RETENTION, number of snapshots preserved under /srv/porthos/webroot
  • PORTHOS_SOURCE, base rsync:// URL to a Rocky Linux official mirror
  • PORTHOS_SERVER_NAME, name of virtual HTTP server; by default the node FQDN is set


fpm (PHP-FPM)

PHP scripts are installed under the script/ directory. It is mounted in the fpm container for execution. Changes to the contents of the script/ directory are immediately applied.

To locally override the FPM configuration file, create and edit a state/fpm.conf file. Then, append to the state/environment file a line like this:



The Nginx configuration is expanded from the template templates/nginx.conf at nginx container startup. A limited set of environment variables is substituted. Refer to Systemd nginx.service unit definition for the template implementation.


Increase kernel network throughput. Sysctl settings:

net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 42456 169824 679296
net.core.wmem_max = 16482304
net.core.rmem_max = 16482304
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 16384 16482304

Content views

Content views are designed for two different purposes. On one hand, a subscribed cluster wants to see the latest app updates from the Software Center page, which needs the Distfeed content. On the other hand the nightly cluster update procedure wants to install managed updates automatically for both the base Rocky Linux OS and NS8 applications.

Web clients can send an optional view querystring parameter, with value latest or managed. Any other value is considered like latest, but this behavior may change in the future.

Header codes:

  • A Authenticated
  • U Anonymous
  • M Managed repo view
  • L Latest repo view
  • X querystring view parameter not present

Request types:

  • df request for Distfeed (like repodata.json)
  • rl request for rockylinux mirror content

Response types:

  • L content from the latest snapshot
  • S content from a managed (past) snapshot
  • H content from Distfeed head (updated multiple times per day from Distfeed upstream)

The following table summarizes the response for every headers/request combination.

headers/request df rl

Content schedule

NS8 clients run automatic updates from Tuesday to Friday, at some random time between 00:00 and 06:00 (client local time). Clients are assigned to a content tier, based on a hash function of the credentials used for authentication. Tiers have different, increasing size. The smaller one receive updates before the larger one:

  • Tier 1, 10%. Age 3 days
  • Tier 2, 20%. Age 4 days
  • Tier 3, 70%. Age 5 days

The tier Age defines how old a snapshot must be before being served by the managed view.

The following table helps to understand the day of the week a snapshot is served (values), starting from the day of the week a snapshot was created (first column) and the client tier (first row). The table assumes a snapshot is not created during the night (from 12 to 6 AM).

- tier 1 tier 2 tier 3
FRI Tue* Wed* Thu*
SAT Wed* Thu* Fri*
SUN Wed Thu Fri
MON Fri Tue* Tue*
TUE Tue* Tue* Tue*
WED Tue* Tue* Tue*
THU Tue* Tue* Wed*

The asterisk in a value indicates a day of the next week. The snapshot.timer runs on Fridays at 21:00 UTC.

The table shows that taking a snapshot on Tuesdays and Wednesdays flattenize the day of update for every tier, which may be undesired.


The Distfeed head is synchoronized by the sync-head command. It fetches Distfeed from its upstream on GitHub. A new snapshot of Rocky Linux and Distfeed is created with take-snapshot. The two commands are described in the next sections.

The two commands are executed periodically by two Systemd timer units: snapshot.timer and sync-head.timer. They can be run manually at any time too, but refer to the Content policy and Content schedule sections to understand the implications.


To create a snapshot manually run:

runagent -m porthos1 take-snapshot

As alternative start the equivalent Systemd service:

runagent -m porthos1 systemctl --user start snapshot

Each snapshot contains a copy of NS8 Distfeed data fetched from GitHub and an exact copy of Rocky Linux BaseOS and AppStream DNF repositories. To save disk space and performance, it is recommended to store the snapshots on a filesystem or block device that provides data deduplication.


To synchronize the copy of NS8 repodata with its GitHub upstream manually run:

runagent -m porthos1 sync-head

As alternative start the equivalent Systemd service:

runagent -m porthos1 systemctl --user start sync-head

Inspect the services status

Print the status of relevant Systemd units:

runagent -m porthos1 systemctl --user status fpm.service nginx.service snapshot.timer sync-head.timer