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Jens Kerrinnes edited this page Mar 13, 2019 · 7 revisions
  • autotune_s
    Number of samples for averaging per frequency step in auto tune mode.
  • batt_lockout_v
  • ct1_burden
    Burden resistance of the feedback current transformer [ohms]
  • ct1_ratio
    Ratio of the feedback current transformer
  • ct2_burden
    Burden resistance of the DC current transformer [ohms]
  • ct2_ratio
    Ratio of the DC current transformer
  • ct3_burden
    Burden resistance of the secondary current transformer [ohms]
  • ct3_ratio
    Ratio of the secondary current transformer
  • ip_addr
    Not used
  • lead_time
    Switching lead time in [ns]
  • max_qcw_current
    Current trippoint for QCW operation [A]
  • max_qcw_duty
    Maximum duty cycle in QCW operation [%]
  • max_qcw_pw
    Maximum pulse length in QCW operation [ms]
  • max_tr_current
    Current trippoint for transient operation [A]
  • max_tr_duty
    Maximum duty cycle in transient operation [%]
  • max_tr_prf
    Maximum transient mode frequency (not yet used for MIDI) [Hz]
  • max_tr_pw
    Maximum pulse length in transient mode [µs]
  • min_tr_current
    Minimal current in transient and MIDI mode. [A]
  • offtime
    Minimal offtime between two MIDI pulses. [µs]
  • ps_scheme
  • pw
    Pulse length in transient and MIDI mode. [µs]
  • pwd
    Delay between pulses in transient mode [µs]
  • qcw_ramp
    Ramp length for QCW mode [n x 93µs]
  • qcw_repeat
    QCW pulse repeat time [ms] <100=single shot
  • slr_fswitch
    SLR switch frequency [Hz*100] !!Not implemented yet!!
  • slr_vbus
    Setpoint for SLR [V] !!Not implemented yet!!
  • start_cycles
    Number of start cycles with the internal oscillator
  • start_freq
    Start oscillator frequency [kHz]
  • temp1_max
    Trip point for overtemperature
  • temp1_setpoint
    Setpoint for fan control
  • temp2_max
    Trip point for overtemperature
  • tune_delay
    Delay between the auto tuning pulses [ms]
  • tune_end
    Upper frequency limit for auto tuning [kHz]
  • tune_pw
    Auto tune pulse length [us]
  • tune_start
    Lower frequency limit for auto tuning [kHz]
  • ud_name
    Name of the coil [for information only]
  • watchdog
    Enables watchdog [1= enabled 0=disabled]
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