Required Generate an initial keypair for use in this project. Example command Using openssl.
Note: Replace prime256v1 with whatever elliptic curve algo you want.
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out testkey.key
Once the key has been generated, the application can be run using the command
./gradlew run
Extract the public key for use elsewhere.
openssl ec -in testkey.key -pubout -out
After you generate the test key file, you can run the application and interact with the api.
After generating the testkey.key file, you can open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/qr
and view
the QR code as an image. Refreshing the page will give you a new QR + token.
curl http://localhost:8080/token
Will return the JWT token raw as a string.
curl http://localhost:8080/verify -d '<token>'
Will verify the signature and expiration time encoded in the token. Paste the token resulting from the /token
to verify the tokens signature and expiration.
The server will respond with one of 3 different statuses.
VALID: The signature and Time are both valid.
NOT_VALID: The signature is invalid.
EXPIRED: The signature is valid, but the token has expired.