We use jupyterbook to create a condensed, single interface to all our course materials. This book will be autogenerated and published to [https://neuromatchacademy.github.io/course-content] in gh-pages
branch, every time a PR is merged into the master branch.
The GitHub workflow is defined in .github/workflows/publish-book.yml
In order to build the book locally, you will need to do the following:
- Clone course-content repo
git clone https://github.com/NeuromatchAcademy/course-content.git --depth=1
- Download nmaci repo (main branch)
wget https://github.com/NeuromatchAcademy/nmaci/archive/refs/heads/main.tar.gz
tar -xzf main.tar.gz; rm -rf main.tar.gz
- Download precourse repo (main branch)
wget https://github.com/NeuromatchAcademy/precourse/archive/refs/heads/main.tar.gz
tar -xzf main.tar.gz; rm -rf main.tar.gz
- Install dependencies
cd course-content
pip install -r ../nmaci-main/requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install jupyter-book==0.10.2
Important: Do not install jupyter-book 0.11 or later at this point, as there are breaking changes in how it handles the table of contents file we generate.
- Copy files from precourse to
mv ../precourse-main/tutorials/W0D* tutorials/
cat ../precourse-main/tutorials/materials.yml tutorials/materials.yml > out.yml
mv out.yml tutorials/materials.yml
mv ../precourse-main/prereqs/ .
- Create a symlink in the book dir to the tutorials dir. From the repo (i.e., course-content) root directory:
ln -s ../tutorials book/tutorials
ln -s ../projects book/projects
ln -s ../prereqs book/prereqs
- Prepare repo for book building
python ../nmaci-main/scripts/generate_book.py arg
where arg
can take either student
or instructor
as a value.
This will use the modified tutorials/materials.yml to create the _toc.yml
file in the book directory. It will also be responsible for creating any additional markdown files or modifying any tutorial notebooks specifically for book generation.
No changes created by this script should be committed to the repo.
- Build the book
jupyter-book build book
This will create a book/_build
directory. You can open the index.html
in any browser to verify the book.