This web app is a data-scraping tool used to get Twitter hashtag queries from user input. Just enter a search term, and get a live stream of tweets and their sentiment analysis.
Although this was originally intended for movies, you can search for anything you would like.
Live Demo:
Notice: There is a daily limited number of Twitter Stream API requests.
This application uses Git and Node, so ensure they are installed. Then, follow these prompts in the terminal:
$ git clone
$ cd movie-chirp/
$ npm install
After all the required dependencies and devDependencies are installed, set up required environmental variables in a .env file for Twitter credentials, Express app listening port, and database url. Then run:
$ npm run all
Go to your browser and search localhost:PORT <- (whatever your PORT environmental variable is).
The following list are the technologies and libraries used in Movie Chirp:
- JavaScript
- CSS3
- Boostrap 4
- ES2015
- React
- Redux
- Node
- PostgreSQL
- Heroku
- Twitter Streaming API