Originally created as part of learning to create more complex Ethereum dapps, this project is now suspended for the foreseeable future.
The contracts here are fully functioning with no remaining detectable bugs or problems, but the game itself is not much fun to play compared to other similar available dapp games.
The contracts in this project have been tested on the rinkeby testnet and support a fully-functioning game that allows for the manufacturing, auctioning, battling and training of mechs.
The mechs themselves have two primary components
-A "LineID" that defines physical characteristics that never change.
-A "SourceAI" that defines combat priorities which will change as a mech learns from its losses.
Mechs battle in environments that provide bonuses to various stats drawn from the LineID and the SourceAI, using an experimental system of breaking down large numbers in the blockchain into smaller sub-components in a gas-efficient process.
Development was originally performed in a private Bitbucket project, then moved here when we decided to suspend development.
All credit for development goes to
-Nicholas Drew
-Joshua Cook