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Running the Examples Locally

trukhinyuri edited this page Feb 8, 2013 · 2 revisions

Each release of WYMeditor comes bundled with a set of examples (available online here). To run these locally they need to be served of a proper web server. If not, WYMeditor might not work properly as most modern browsers block certain JavaScript functionality for local files.

To test WYMeditor without setting up something like Apache, Nginx or uploading the code to a remote server; open your wymeditor directory in a terminal and run:

python -m http.server

On Windows: if the Python executable is not already on your PATH replace "python" with the absolute path to your python.exe, usually something like "C:\Python2X\python.exe".

This will start a simple server in your current working directory on port 8000. If you already have something else running on that port an optional port number can be provided as last argument.

Now point your browser to http://localhost:8000/ and browse to the examples directory.


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