A Web App for Banki Brunch to make hosting and crowd sourcing our answers to interview questions easier. We hold standups every saturday at 12:30 PM EST in our sub Discord Channel at 100devs.
Questions inspired from 100dev's very own, 20jasper's interview-question-api
This App uses NPM Node Package Manager to manage it's dependencies and packages.
from the root directory run
npm install
Create a .env file in the server folder and add your values.
For example:
Right now we aren't using any secrets, but we will list references here when the time comes.
To Start the app in development mode
npm run dev
Currently using dockerized mongodb
Docker Desktop will need to be installed to run the database
To bring database up
npm run db:up
To stop the database
npm run db:stop
Vite - build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects.
React - JavaScript front end library.
Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes like flex, pt-4, text-center and rotate-90 that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup.
DaisyUI - It is simply a plugin for Tailwind CSS, which works on all frameworks and has made development faster, and customizable for developers using pure CSS.
Creator: Create a new issue
Dev: Pick an issue
Dev: Comment agreeing to work on the issue
Dev: Assign issue to themself
Dev: Make a branch, named with the issue number and description
Dev: Make changes, commit changes
Dev: Make a pull request (PR)
Creator: Review PR
Creator: Request changes
Dev: Complete requested changes, commit and submit PR
Creator: Approve changes, request merge
Dev: Merge PR
Dev: Delete issue-specific branch
Creator: Close issue
Credit for list : puffalo
We welcome contributions. Simply fork the repository open a pull request with your changes and @NickSramcik will review them.