This is a prototype for the Car Customizer application built for SENG 471 - Software Requirements Engineering.
This prototype is meant to showcase a web application that CADA (Canadian Automobile Dealers Association) hypothetically requested. The application would allow a dealership customer to customize the non-functional features of their desired automobile.
Specifically, this prototype shows the interior and exterior automobile color selection functionality of the web application.
- Visual model of automobile interior
- Visual model of automobile exterior
- Select interior color of automobile from color palette menu
- Interior color of automobile changes to color selected
- Select exterior color of automobile from color palette menu
- Exterior color of automobile changes to color selected
To install dependencies, in root folder of project run:
composer install
Create .env file in root folder of project.
Update database connection information in .env file.
Generate APP_KEY in .env file by running:
php artisan key:generate
To create tables, run:
php artisan migrate:refresh
To seed database, run:
php artisan db:seed
To serve application locally (development server):
php artisan serve