Chatting-app is a simple chat application with login authentication, multiple chat rooms, and file upload/download capabilities. The application is built using HTML, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. The application is built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, Babel, and Webpack. It uses Firestore for real-time data storage and retrieval.
- User Authentication: Log in with a username and password.
- Room Selection: Choose from different chat rooms: #general, #technical, #music.
- Real-time Chat: See messages and files in real-time.
- File Upload: Upload files to share with others.
- index.html: HTML file for the main application interface.
- app.js: JavaScript file handling UI interactions and Firestore communication.
- chat.js: JavaScript file defining the ChattingRoom class for managing chats.
- ChatUI.js: JavaScript file defining the ChatUI class for rendering chat messages.
- styles.css: Style functions related to the application.
- webpack.config.cjs: This file contains the config related to the webpack modules.