This is a Command Line Interface (CLI) based Fight Game application implemented in TypeScript and Node.js. The application allows users to simulate fights between different players. It is designed to be loosely coupled, making it easy to extend with various storage layers (such as databases) or interface layers (such as web-based interfaces) in the future.
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Usage
- Project Structure
- Interfaces
- In-memory Implementation
- Error Handling
- SnapShots
- Future Enhancements
- License
Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:
- Node.js
- TypeScript
Clone the repository : git clone repo_link
Navigate to the project directory :
cd Swiggy_Assignment
Install dependencies
npm i
To build the application
npm run build
To start the application, run :
npm run start
Follow the on-screen instructions to interact with the CLI and simulate fights between players.
The project is structured as follows :
- config
- constant.ts
- main.config.ts
- error
- illegal.argument.error.ts
- illegal.state.error.ts
- resource.absent.error.ts
- models
- player.model.ts
- repository
- implementation
- in.memory.player.repository.impl.ts
- player.repository.ts
- implementation
- service
- implementation
- game.state.impl.ts
- game.state.ts
- implementation
- ui
- cli
- cli.controller.ts
- controller.ts
- cli
- main.ts
- .gitignore
- package.json
- tsconfig.json
- config
src/model : Contains the Player model.
src/error : Contains error handling.
src/service : Includes the GameService and GameState Implementation.
src/repository : Include InMemoryService implementations.
src/main.ts: Initializes and starts the application.
- GameState Entity
- PlayerRepository Entity
The application currently uses an in-memory implementation of the GameState interface. To switch to a different implementation (e.g., a database), create a new service class that implements the GameState interface.
All errors and exceptions are properly handled to ensure a smooth user experience. Any unexpected behavior is logged for debugging purposes.
This application is designed to be easily extensible. Future enhancements could include:
Implementing different storage layers (e.g., a database).
Adding a web-based interface for a more user-friendly experience.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.