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Lai redzētu citus, kuri palīdzēja, skatiet mūsu contributors grafiku!


Ar šo BUJ, mēs vēlamies pārklāt svarigakos jautājumus, saistībā ar ProtonDB lietošanu un, protams, tehniskajiem jautājumiem, kuri parādās ļoti bieži Discord. Ja Jūs velaties piedālīties vai ietekt, neliedzieties kontaktēties ar mums caur Discord, vai sūtiet mums problēmas vai Pull pieprasījumus.

Satura Rādītājs

[ProtonDB] "Run" un "Install" pogas nestrādā Firefox.

If Firefox doesn't ask you how it should proceed with steam:// URLS, you need to force Firefox to do so. For that open about:config in your Firefox, right click anywhere in the list and select New » Bolean. Enter network.protocol-handler.expose.steam as the name for the new entry, and false as the value. Now if you click on a steam:// URL, Firefox should ask you how to proceed.

[ProtonDB] Mājaslapā mana spēle ir attēlota kā Windows spēle, bet tai ir sākotnejā Linux versija vai citādāks pamatformāts.

ProtonDB obtains the data from SteamDB and these in turn from the developers of the respective game. So if the developers had a native port like for example at rust and it was closed then the game will be shown as a windows game but buyers at the time of the native port will keep the native port of course so there will be some users who write: "it have a native port!".

Kāpēc spēles nestrādā, strādā lēnām vai ir ar grafiskām problēmām?

Esiet drošs, ka sistēma ir atjaunināta un tai ir jaunākie draiveri/ Lai uzzinātu vairak par draiveru atjaunināšanu, apskatiet Wiki

Aplūkojiet WineHQ, kur jūs varētu atrast papildus informāciju. Ja mājaslapa rāda korektu darbību ar Wine, tā varētu būt Proton specifiska problēma vai varbūt 3-šas puses DRM kā "Denuvo" rada problēmas.

Esiet dross, ka palaižāt Steam ar Steam Runtime bibliotēkām:

Mana spēle darbojas labi, bet pēc kāda laika ir kļūda ar esync

Most issues with esync are related to the limited amount of opened files. Before reporting issues with esync, check if the command ulimit -Hn reports much more than 4096. If not, you can follow these instructions to raise the limit.

Spēles nerāda tekstu

Some games need Windows fonts to be installed. Since Proton version 3.16-4 this will be done for you automatically. If you are using Proton 3.7, see if switching to version 3.16-4 or higher fixes your problem.

To change the Proton version, go to the Steam settings and then to the tab Steam Play. You need to activate the option "Use this tool instead of game-specific selections from Steam". Then you can chose the Proton version in the drop down menu.

Dažām spēlēm, kā piemēram Witcher 3, ir iztrūkstošas tekstūras/ienaidnieki

This is fixed since DXVK Version 0.90 and Vulkan 1.1.88. Nvidia users need at least driver version 415.22, and AMD users need at least Mesa version 18.3.

Kāpēc dažas spēlēs ķerās pie palaisšanas?

This is quite normal. Because at the beginning the shaders have to be loaded first. So that it doesn't stutter next time, The are written directly into a so-called shader cache.

Note that the dxvk cache is not related to the "Shader Pre-Caching" by Steam.

Man ir skaņas problēmas - piemēram, krakšķēšana

In most cases, it helps to install xaudio2 (xact) but in cases such as Skyrim, for example, it can also solve a problem for some but can also cause a new sound problem, but it is always worth a try.

Since proton version 3.16-5 you don't have to do anything unless you're using an older version of proton then read on here:

it is sufficient to set "xaudio2_7.dll" to native, built-in in winecfg or installing xact with winetricks.

Here you will find more information on how to install additional programs in your gameprefix.

Es gribu spēlēt spēli bez DXVK.

If you really want to try to play your game without DXVK, then try to start the game with the following launch parameter

PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command%

Note: You will have maybe graphical error's or poor performance depending on the game.

If your game doesn't start or crash then your game cannot be run with wine3d11

Kā es varu izveidot reģistrus spēlei, kuru palaižu ar Proton?

Proton will create a log file for a particular game, if you set the launch parameter to:

PROTON_LOG=1 %command%

The log file will be created in your home folder with the name scheme steam-$STEAMID.log. For example:


Daži ziņojumi saka, ka spēle ir palaista, uzstādot papildus programmatūru. Kā es to varu izdarīt?

There are two ways to install additional software into the gameprefix:

Winetricks lietošana

Make sure you have winetricks installed on your system. This package should be in your distributions repository.

Open a Terminal and use

WINEPREFIX=(Steam-folder)/steamapps/compatdata/(GAME-ID)/pfx/ winetricks

(GAME-ID) must be replaced with the game id for example 4000 for Garry´s Mod, you can use SteamDB to find out what id your game have.

(Steam-folder) must be replaced with your .steam folder location.

Here is an example

WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/4000/pfx/ winetricks

Rīku lietošana

The two most popular currently are Protontricks and ProtonFixes.

Please read the instructions about those tools on their respective sites.

Kā es palaižu Windows spēles, kuras man nepieder iekš Steam?

Add a Non-Steam game to your library (set File Type to "All Files") and select the .exe

Right click the game in your Library and in Properties - Enable "Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility Tool"

If there are any spaces in the path to your .exe you will need to fix the "Target:" path in the game's Properties and clear the "Set Launch Options"

However, we do recommend Lutris to run most non Steam games through Wine. Lutris is a game manager which offers support for many different compatibility layers/emulators, including Wine/Proton.

Man ir problēmas ar manu kontrolieri!

Case #1: My controller gets recognized as player 1 & player 2 in lego games.

  • Fix #1: Open the controller settings from the gameprefix with the command for example:WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/4000/pfx/ wine control and deactivate the controller "js" & "event" after that restart your session to confirm that wine is completely closed to ensure that the new changes to be loaded.

Case #2: My Steam-Controller is not recognized even with native games, only the mouse functions.

  • Fix #2: This happens on distros based on gentoo or gentoo itself. Noticed by @Alexander

If you game on Linux using steam and have a steam controller you may have noticed something interesting. The steam controller appears to be working, but doesn't work in games or is not displayed under wine control.

We recommend to use the tool sc-controller) to workaround this issue.

Spēles, saglabātas Windows partīcijā, (NTFS) nepalaižās

By default Linux mounts NFTS partitions only writeable by Root. It is necessary to mount that partition with user rights. You will find a simple tutorial on how to mount a NTFS drive with user rights on the Proton Wiki.

Punkbuster, Rockstar Social Club un citi ... izgāžas pie sākotnējās uzstādīšanas.

It can happen that such things are not installed correctly the first time and then steam does not try to install them anymore.

Each game has a folder in the game folder which for example are called so: "Installers" "Redist" and so on...... These folders contain the installation program for PB or RGSC, these must be started in the corresponding game prefix with wine, here an example:

WINEPREFIX='~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/271590/pfx' wine '~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/Installers/Social-Club-Setup.exe'

Mana spēle neko nesaglabā vai ir kļūda spēles saglabāšanas laikā.

You can try to start the game with this launchparameter: unset LC_ALL && %command%

Viss mans dators uzkaras kāda brīdī spēlē.

This could be a GPU hang but to be sure that this is not proton's fault test the game in the latest wine version first.

if this also happens in the latest wine version, only the developers of your graphics driver (nvidia or mesa) or rarely dxvk can help you.