This is the back end framework for a smart stormwater irrigation barrel, or a class project I went a little (actually, more like a lot) overboard on. This code helps analyze raw sensor measurements (height and water level) sent from a Particle Photon and, using Dark Sky's API, return a result for how long a valve should open to release a sufficient amount of water. Additionally, there will be a webapp using a Flask server to help plot sensor data and more.
See for a demo.
This file contains code for a Particle Photon to read measurements from an ultrasonic sensor and a soil moisture sensor. Additionally, the Photon can read and write to an InfluxDB hosted with AWS and communicate with the server-side script and web application.
This file uses
- C
- Photon HTTP requests
- InfluxDB API calls
This is the back-end for the Python Flask application, also containing templates. This page displays data measured by the Photon pulled from the InfluxDB database and also has a button to set a custom new water level through a POST request writing to the database.
This file uses
- Python Flask
- InfluxDB's Python library
- jQuery and Bootstrap
- Chart.js
This is the server-side script that pulls weather data from Dark Sky's API and measurements from the database to calculate a new optimal water level. This is controlled by a cronjob to run every hour.
This file uses
- Python
- Python's Request library
- Dark Sky's API
- InfluxDB's Python library
- A cronjob