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A React Native wrapper for the Node Core SDK


yarn add @node-fi/react-native-sdk

Development Setup

cd example
yarn add @node-fi/react-native-sdk


npx pod-install

For FaceId to work, you must add permissions in your info.plist for NSFaceIDUsageDescription Example:

	<string>Message here</string>

Required Steps


Within babel.config.js, add:

module.exports = function (api) {
  return {
    presets: [
      ['@babel/preset-env', { targets: { node: 'current' } }],
      // other presets here
    plugins: [
      ['@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object', { loose: true }],
      // other settings here
    // anything else

Alternatively, you can import the above and call one function, so your babel.config.js will look like:

const nodeConfig = require('@node-fi/react-native-sdk/nodeWalletBabel');
module.exports = function (api) {
  return { ...nodeConfig(api) };


Within your index.js, you will need to import a script from the sdk in order to properly set up dependencies:

/* dapp-begin */

 * Other code goes here

const { registerRootComponent } = require('expo');
const { default: App } = require('./frontend/App');
/* dapp-end */

Getting Started

In order to access the functionality of this SDK, you will need to wrap your app with the NodeKitProvider component.

export default function App() {
  // code here
  return (
      tokenWhitelist={new Set(SUPPORTED_TOKENS)}
      <App />

Creating a Wallet

Creating a wallet can be done with one single function! The SDK currently supports creating a new wallet from scratch, as well as importing a wallet using a seed phrase. When a new wallet is created, the mnemonic is saved to the device's secure storage, protected by biometrics. On subsequent app loads, when a user correctly authenticates themselves with biometrics their wallet information will be fetched.

Create wallet takes an argument of type WalletCreationOpts, allowing to create a wallet from a mnemonic as well as set the defaul gas currency on wallet creation. Note that alternate gas currencies are only supported on Celo and Alfajores.

import { useCreateWallet } from '@node-fi/react-native-wrapper';

// Creating a wallet from scratch:
const createWallet = useCreateWallet();

createWallet().then((wallet) => {
  // Do something!

// Importing a wallet using a seed phrase
const createWallet = useCreateWallet();
const mnemonic = 'test test test ... test';

createWallet({ mnemonic }).then((wallet) => {
  // Do something!

// Setting default currency on wallet creation
const createWallet = useCreateWallet();
const defaultGasCurrency = addressOf('CUSD');

createWallet({ defaultGasCurrency }).then((wallet) => {
  // Do something!

Deleting a Wallet

Similar to creating a wallet, deleting one can be used with one single function call as well.

import { useDeleteWallet } from '@node-fi/react-native-wrapper';

const deleteWallet = useDeleteWallet(); // Grab the function from the hook
deleteWallet().then(() => {
  // Do something!

Wallet Context Accessors


A user's wallet lives within the global NodeProvider context, and can be accessed from any child. There are several ways to access a user's wallet, the main way being the hook useWallet

import { useWallet } from '@node-fi/react-native-sdk';

function Component() {
  const wallet = useWallet();

  // Use the wallet

function useHook() {
  const wallet = useWallet();

  // Use the wallet


Alternatively, if the only field required is the wallet address, there is a hook useWalletAddress()

import { useWalletAddress } from '@node-fi/react-native-wrapper';

function Component() {
  const walletAddress = useWalletAddress();
  // Use the wallet

function useHook() {
  const walletAddress = useWalletAddress();
  // Use the wallet


useSetGasToken returns a state variable and a setter for the current default gas currency. Gas currency is persisted across sessions.

The state variable is the address of the current gas token. The updater method takes as argument the address of a gas token. Note that the only check performed is that the provided string is a valid address. If the address of a non-accepted currency is provided, transactions will fail. Future iterations of the SDK will check for valid gas currencies.

import { useSetGasToken } from '@node-fi/react-native-wrapper';

function Component() {
  const [currentGasToken, setGasToken]: [string, (s: String) => void] =

  return (
      <Text>{`Your current gas token is: ${currentGasToken}`}</Text>
      <Pressable onPress={() => setGasToken(OTHER_TOKEN)}>
        <Text> {`Set gas token to ${OTHER_TOKEN}`} </Text>


This hook will return an array of objects relating to a wallet's balance at a specific point in time. The range for which to fetch balances is a required parameter, and corresponds to the number of days to retrieve data for. Values are mapped to an enum DateRange.

While data is loading, the returned value will be undefined

usePortfolioHistory(range: DateRange)

import { usePortfolioHistory } from '@node-fi/react-native-sdk';
import { DateRange } from '@node-fi/sdk-core';

// Possible Values for DateRange
DateRange['1H']; // 1 Hour
DateRange['1D']; // 1 Day
DateRange['1W']; // 7 Day
DateRange['1M']; // 30 Day
DateRange['1Y']; // 365 Day
DateRange['ALL']; // Entire History

function GraphComponent() {
  const [range, setRange] = useState<DateRange>(DateRange['1W']);
  const portfolioHistory = usePortfolioHistory(range);

  if (!portfolioHistory) {
    // If portfolioHistory === undefined, content is loading
    return <LoadingComponent />;

  return <Chart data={portolioHistory} x="time" y="total" />;

Token Context Hooks

The Token context covers token balances, details, and prices.


This hook returns a mapping from address to a token object for each supported token. Within the NodeProvider, a whitelist for tokens can be supplied as well as a blacklist. Additionally, custom tokens can be declared.

The Token object contains fields for address, decimals, name, symbol, and url of image.

Addresses in the mapping are all lowercase, to avoid capit

import { useTokens } from '@node-fi/react-native-sdk';

function Component() {
  const tokens = useTokens();
  const tokenAddress = '0xAddress';

  const tokenObject = tokens[tokenAddress.toLowerCase()];



This hook allows for a user to dynamically add new tokens to be recognized by their wallet. In most cases, it is unlikely that an added token will have a correlated price.

The hook returns a callback that takes in a Token object, and adds it to the internal token mapping. This token object only needs to be populated with the address and the ChainId, and the rest of the details will be loaded.

import { useAddToken, useChainId } from "@node-fi/react-native-sdk"
import { Token } from "@node-fi/sdk-core"

function AddTokenComponent() {
  const [address, setAddress] = React.useState<string>()
  const addToken = useAddToken()
  const chainId = useChainId()

  const addNewToken = React.useCallback(async () => {
    const newToken = new Token(chainId, address)
    await addToken(newToken)
  }, [address])

  return (
      <TextInput onChange={setAddress}>
      <Button text="Add Token!" onPress={addNewToken} >


This hook allows the user to dynamically remove tokens from being recognized by their wallet.

It takes as input the address of the token to remove.

import { useRemoveToken } from '@node-fi/react-native-sdk';

function Component() {
  const removeToken = useRemoveToken();
  const tokenToRemove = '0xAddress';

  const handleRemove = React.useCallback(
    () => removeToken(tokenToRemove),



This hook allows a component to subscribe to past and future token transfers. Transfers are given in the following shape:

type TransferTransaction = {
  amount: BigNumber;
  blockNumber: number; // block during which the transfer occured
  token: Address; // address of token that was transfered
  from: Address; // address of sender
  to: Address; // address of receiver
  outgoing?: boolean | undefined; // true if the transfer was outgoing from the tracked wallet

Inputs for the hook are as follows:

Param Type Required? Purpose Default Value
maxTransfers number | "all" N Specifies the maximum number of transfers to retrieve "all"
startBlock number N Specifies the block to begin tracking transfers from. If not provided, begins at token genesis undefined
subscribe boolean N If true, then the returned value will be updated to included new transfers in real time false
filter (t: TransferTransaction) => boolean N Provides a way to filter transactions on the fly. Filters out transfers where the amount does not exceed 1/1000 of a token


This hook returns a mapping from addresses to the wallet's current balance, as a TokenAmount object. Addresses are all lowercase within the mapping, so to access the balance of a given token you will need to use a lowercase address.

If a supported token is not contained in the mapping, then the wallet's balance is 0 for that token.

import { useBalances } from '@node-fi/react-native-sk';

type TokenBalances = {
  [lowerCaseAddress: string]: TokenAmount;

function Component() {
  const balances = useBalances();

  const cusdBalance = balances[addressOf('CUSD')];



This hook returns the balance for a single token, as a TokenAmount object. TokenAmount object contain both the underlying token, the raw amount (not accounting for decimals), and the amoun accounting for decimals.

This hook accepts either a token object, or the address of a token.

import { useBalance } from '@node-fi/react-native-sdk';

function Component() {
  const CUSD = '0xAddress';
  const CELO = new Token(ChainId.Celo, CELO_ADDRESS, 18);

  const cusdBalance = useBalance(CUSD);
  const celoBalance = useBalance(CELO);



This hook will return a mapping of token addresses to the dollar value of the wallet's current balance. If a token does not have a subsequent balance in the mapping, then the user either has 0 balance or there is no price recorded for that token

import { usePricedBalances } from '@node-fi/react-native-wrapper';

function Component() {
  const pricedBalances = usePricedBalances();
  const MY_TOKEN = '0xAddress';

  const dollarValueOfMyHoldings = pricedBalances[MY_TOKEN.toLowerCase()];


This hook returns a mapping from token addresses to their respective price in the default currency.

A price object is of the shape:

type PriceObject = {
  current: number;
  yesterday: number;

Example use:

import { useTokenPrices } from "@node-fi/react-native-sdk"

function Component() {
  const prices = useTokenPrices();
  const MAIN_TOKEN = "0xAddress"

  return (
    <Text>{`Price of main token: ${prices[MAIN_TOKEN.toLowerCase()].current}`}</Text>
    {Object.entries(prices).map(([address, {current}]) =>
      <Text key={`price-${address}`}> {`Current price of token ${address}: ${current}`} </Text>)}


This hook returns the price object for a specific token. It takes as argument the address of the token.

import { useTokenPrice } from '@node-fi/react-native-sdk';

function Component() {
  const MY_TOKEN = '0xAddress';

  const { current: currentPrice, yesterday: yesterdayPrice } =



This hook returns the historical prices for any supported token.

While data is loading, the return value will be undefined. Otherwise, it will be of the shape:

type UseHistoricalPricesShape = {
  time: number; // unix time
  priceusd: number; // price in usd -- future versions of the sdk will simply use a 'price' field that adjusts based off of preferred currency

The inputs for the hook are as follows:

Param Type Required? Purpose Default Value
address string Yes Specifies the address of the token to retrieve historical prices for N / A - REQUIRED
range DateRange (1h, 1d, 1w, 1m, 1y, all) Y Specifies the time range to fetch token prices for N / A - REQUIRED

Example Use Case:

import { useHistoricalTokenPrices } from "@node-fi/react-native-sdk"
import { DateRange } from "@node-fi/sdk-core"

function Component() {
  const MY_TOKEN = "0xAddress"
  const DATE_RANGE = DateRange['1W']

  const historicalPrices = useHistoricalTokenPrices(MY_TOKEN, DATE_RANGE)

  if (historicalPrices === undefined) return <LoadingComponent />

  return <ChartComponent data={historicalPrices} x="time" y="priceusd">

Swap Context Hooks

The following explores hooks within the SwapContext


This hook is intended to be directly integrated into frontends, and uses debouncing to limit how often new prices are fetched.

It returns the following:

Param Type Required? Purpose Default Value
address string Yes Specifies the address of the token to retrieve historical prices for N / A - REQUIRED
range DateRange (1h, 1d, 1w, 1m, 1y, all) Y Specifies the time range to fetch token prices for N / A - REQUIRED

For parameters, it takes the following:

Param Type Required? Description
inputAddress string Y Address of input token. If undefined, returned object will be null.
outputAddress string Y Address of output token. If undefined, returned object will be null.
typedAmount string | number Y Decimal-adjusted amount of input token to trade. This would be a value that is entered into a text field by a user
recipient string N Address of recipient of the trade - if undefined will default to current wallet.
debounceDelayMs number N Millisecond delay for the internally used debounce hook. Defaults to 500ms


import { useSwapTypedAmount } from "@node-fi/react-native-sdk"

function SwapComponent() {
  const [inputToken, setInputToken] = useState<string>();
  const [outputToken setOutputToken] = useState<string>()
  const [inputAmount, setInputAmount] = useState<string>()

  const tradeDetails = useSwapTypedAmount(inputToken, outputToken, inputAmount)

  return (
      <TokenSelector onSelectToken={setInputToken}>
      <TokeSelector onSelectToken={setOutputToken}>

      <TextField label="Input Amount" onChangeText={setInputAmount}>

        tradeDetails ? tradeDetails.error
          ? <Text>{`Error: ${tradeDetails.error}`}</Text>
          : <View>
              <Text>{`Expected output: ${tradeDetails.output.toFixed(2)} ${tradeDetails.output.token.symbol}`}</Text>
              <Button text={`Execute Swap`} onPress={tradeDetails.execute}>
        : null


For direct frontend integrations, it is recommended to use useSwapTypedAmount instead. This hook does not debounce the input, so unless another hook is built on top of it, it will make many unneccessary calls to the backend service when a user types in a new trade amount.

This hook can be used to get a live-updated price quote for a given input and output.

It returns the following:

Param Type Required? Purpose Default Value
address string Yes Specifies the address of the token to retrieve historical prices for N / A - REQUIRED
range DateRange (1h, 1d, 1w, 1m, 1y, all) Y Specifies the time range to fetch token prices for N / A - REQUIRED

It accepts the following as parameters:

Param Type Required? Description
input TokenAmount N Input token and input amount for the trade. If this is not supplied, the hook will return an empty object
outputToken Token N Token to be swapped to. If not supplied, returned object will be empty.
recipient string N Address of recipient of trade result. If not supplied, will default to current active wallet


This hook exposes both the current slippage, and a function to change the current slippage.

Slippage is expressed in Bips (1 / 10000)


import { useSetSlippage } from "@node-fi/react-native-sdk"

const convertBipsToFloat = (bips: number) => bips / 100000

function Component() {
  const [slippage, setSlippage] = useSetSlippage()

  return (
      <Text> {`Current Slippage is: %${(convertBipsToFloat(slippage) * 100).toFixed(2)}`}
      <Button text={`Set slippage to 1%`} onPress={() => setSlippage(100)}>