Peanuts V3.9
Release Date: 11/01/2021
Peanuts is a free and open source wifi tracking tool. Based on the SensePosts Snoopy-NG project that is now closed.
Less dependencies, less overhead, less complications
This tool is featured in the film "All the devils men", Directed by Matthew Hope
NOTE: Im not sure how long i will supprot this project as its a slowly dying method, if i get time to work on it i will :D
**** FOR EDUCATIONAL USE! Use at your own risk. ****
- Tested on: Linux 3.2.6 Ubuntu/Debian (Kali)/Rpi
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone
cd peanuts
pip install -r requirements.txt
apt-get install python-gps bluetooth bluez python-bluez
service gps start
gpsd -D 5 -N -n /dev/ttyUSB0
python -i wlan0 -l Home -o Capture1.csv
-i Interface (Doesnt matter if not in monitor mode, the program will do it)
-l location or OP name, whatever you want to identify this capture
-o Output file name for the CSV
python -i wlan0mon -l target1 -o unknown.csv -a true -m http://localhost:8080/api/data -g true
-i Interface (Doesn't matter if not in monitor mode, the program will do it)
-l location or OP name, whatever you want to identify this capture
-a Include Access Points too in the results
-g Get GPS location of your device (Not tested with Nethunter, yet. Also will need GPSD running)
-o Output file name for the CSV
-m Send Map data to JSON endpoint
Happy Hacking
NOTE: This method of WIFI tracking is slowly dying with the new IOS 10 Updates and Android updates. line 176