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nprr: npm run + autocomplete πŸš€

TL;DR: install it with $ npm i -g nprr, run it with $ nprr. If you want, add an alias.

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What is nprr?

Nprr logo

Nprr is an npm run enhancer! It runs the good npm run programmatically (through, not child_process.exec()) or let you choose the script to launch with autocomplete.


  • runs a script the same way npm run would do
  • $ nprr reads the package.json scripts and let you choose the script to run with autocomplete
  • $ nprr te filters all the scripts containing te and lets you choose the script to run with autocomplete
  • $ nprr test runs directly any existing script (ex. test)


Imagine your package.json contains the following scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "...",
    "test:unit": "...",
    "test:e2e": "...",
    "build:production": "...",
    "build:staging": "...",
    "commit": "..."
  • $ nprr presents an autocomplete with all the available scripts
  • $ nprr te presents an autocomplete with all the scripts containing "te" ("test", "test:unit", "test:e2e")
  • $ nprr test launches directly npm run test

Command options

All the scripts can be launched with options too, all the next examples chain op1 op2 to the executed script, just after the autocomplete (or exact match) process:

  • $ nprr -- op1 op2
  • $ nprr te -- op1 op2
  • $ nprr te op1 op2
  • $ nprr test -- op1 op2
  • $ nprr test op1 op2


npm i -g nprr


Could it be aliased to something shorter like "npr" or even "r"?

Yep! All the bin names are stored in /usr/local/bin and if you open it you can find the "nprr" symlink as long as the "npm" one (and "npx", etc.). All you need to do is duplicating it by running:

$ cp -a /usr/local/bin/nprr /usr/local/bin/YOUR_SHORTCUT (replace "YOUR_SHORTCUT" with "npr", "r" or whatever you want)

If you change your mind and you want to remove the new shortcut, do not worry: remove it by running

$ rm /usr/local/bin/YOUR_SHORTCUT

How does it work?

Read the dedicated article, both on Medium or

Could I use nprr programmatically?

Certainly! The script below leverages nprr and gets the arguments passed to (please, do not forget to install nprr locally with npm i -D nprr)

const nprr = require("nprr");
nprr("test").then(argv => {

Nprr accepts an array of strings or a string as the only argument.

Is it possible to edit the filter passed to nprr?

Unfortunately not but I'd love to add it as soon as possible. Nprr leverages Enquirer but, at the moment, it does not allow to do that, see the related issue (and Inquirer can do that neither).

Could npm allow for both autocomplete and fuzzy search?

At the moment the fuzzy search is not supported. I need to investigate how it could be done with Enquirer/Inquirer.

Why did you call it nprr?

Because "npr" has already been used on NPM.

Why did not you call it npra (npr + autocomplete)?

Because "nprr" is faser to be typed compared to "npra".

Does a less-obtrusive solution exist to list the package.json scripts without opening it?

Yes, it's the built-in npm-completion.

How could I record a video of a terminal session like you did with the opening gif?

Use asciinema. If you want to generate a GIF, make the video public and convert it launching $ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/data asciinema/asciicast2gif video.gif.


The E2E tests are run directly with Travis, take a look at the .travis.yml file.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Stefano Magni
Stefano Magni

πŸ’» πŸ“– πŸ–‹ πŸ’‘ πŸ€”

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!