Just like dijon mustard some people might like it, some people don't. This plugin adds a simple addition to neovim to integrate with obsidian notes.
Moving between Obsidian and Neovim to create/update daily notes and to copy from Neovim buffer and then paste into Obsidian is a pain.
- create/update Obsidian notes
- preview Markdown files
- full blown integration
example here is using lazy
opts = {
-- vault is the only requirement to setup
vault = "/path/to/vault",
-- defaults
-- if format is different than what obsidian default gives you
-- you need to set it up here with a lua compatible format
-- format = os.date("%F, d"),
-- title = " Obsidian Notes "
-- key_map = "<leader>on",
-- width = math.ceil(vim.o.columns / 2),
-- height = math.ceil((vim.o.lines - vim.o.cmdheight) / 2),
-- border = "rounded",