A 42 school's project.
⚠️ Warning: It is educational project.
⚠️ Warning: You can take inspiration from it but don't copy / paste what you don't understand.
The makefile automatically install SDL2
modifié : Makefile
In this repository you will find two programs to find and test a sorting algorithm on a stack of int
I parse the given stack and mark each digit, by doing so I'm able to tell which number will stay in stack A and whom will be pushed to B.
I backtrack in stack B to select the best data to move accordingly to the number of operations needed.
I rotate or reverse rotate until the smallest data is at the beginning of the list.
Thanks to the stack_gen rule you can generate a random list of NB numbers between INT_MIN and INT_MAX:
make stack_gen NB={WANTED_LIST_SIZE}
The sort and check rules respectively start the ./push_swap and the ./checker software with ARGS as a list:
make sort ARGS="$(cat STACK.txt)" || make check ARGS="$(cat STACK.txt)"
The make correc and correc_bonus will count the lines returned by push_swap and send it to checker or checker_visualizer:
make correc(_bonus) ARGS="$(cat STACK.txt)"
If you want to enable fsanitize for the project you can define DEBUG as follow:
make DEBUG=true