NovaCards is an intelligent web application designed to help medical students find Anki cards relevant to their studies. We utilize machine learning to help you cut down on the time you spend searching for and making flashcards related to your lecture content for the AnKing card deck.
As medical students ourselves, we know that it can take up to two hours a day to find and make relevant flashcards frome class resources. NovaCards was designed to eliminate this wasted effort. By simply uploading lecture materials, textbook chapters, notes, or other study materials, our app will allow users to find the most relevant study materials in mere seconds. As medical students ourselves, we know how important every bit of time can be to acheive success in medical school, nursing school, PA school, and all professional programs..
We plan on adding many improvements in the future. Beyond simply finding and making cards, we are planning to use AI to remove all nonessential work associated with studying for class. In doing so, students will be empowered to study more efficiently, and have more time to make meaningful contributions to research, spend time volunteering, spend with their families, or master additional content. Additionally, we plan on expanding from just medicine to law, business, undergraduate studies, and more.