Banking system programme with advanced functions developed in python with Database
This is banking Management system programme with advanced functions developed in python using PyCharm IDLE
In here i this programme develop using pycharm IDLE. this not included GUI interface.
In this programme include advanced functions. send email notifications to the customer, auto generate random strong passwords, auto generated customer id numbers.
we can store store in database and generate reports and it use to further data analysis.
whole programme can divide in to seven major parts.
- select user or admin section is select admin it gives ability to create new customer if select cutomer section it give ability to deposite money, withdrwals, check balance.
- user will abale to Deposite their deposited cash
- user will abale to withdraw their deposited cash
- after programme detect movements in the surface it send email messeage - to the pre specified email address.
- System will generate a new id for newly creating customers . so customer id is the primary key.
- In this section it create a strong Random Password to the user accounts.
- in this email configuration part it give ability to send emails about customer account transactions details.
- Mysql module
- Pandas module
- Numpy module
- Random module
- Time module
- smtplib module
- Email mdodule
- Functions.
- Exception handaling.
- Loops.
- String methods
- Arithmetic Operations
- If statments.
- as further developments i hope to add Web interface to this.
- add strong validations parts.
- add Report generating functions.
- face recognition for login
- create saving & fixed deposits.
- add interests to the user deposits & deduct chargers.
- send annual or monthly reports to the each customer
- You are free to use this for any developments