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NuGet Gallery Test Plan

Karan Nandwani edited this page Jul 22, 2016 · 1 revision

Browser Types/ Versions

Latest and Latest - 1 versions of these browsers are used for NuGet Gallery Testing

  • Internet Explorer
  • Chrome
  • Firefox


  • Functional
  • Performance
  • Stress
  • UX
  • Accessibility
  • End-to-end
  • Client Compatibility
  • Security
  • Availability


  • Latest Released Client
  • In-Development Client

Account Management

  • Register a new user
  • Proper error message if an existing user ID is specified during registration
  • Login as an existing user
  • Lost password management
  • Upload package requires login
  • Lands on current page after login
  • Resend confirmation email
  • Logout


  • Clicking on user name at top right should take you to
  • Logged in user should be able to upload package via gallery
  • Logged in user should be able to "Download" the packages that he owns from the package home page
  • "Manage my packages" should list the details of listed and unlisted packages
  • Administration page should show the user API key and user should be able to generate a new key
  • Administration page should let the user to update his profile info at any point of time * Email address. * Receive Email notification option * Password
  • User should be able to Unlist and relist his package at any point of time
  • Admin page should let user to "Add owners" to a package
  • Package Management
    • Editing Package Details
    • Unlising Packages


  • Search using field identifiers like author , tags, ID, title and description fields is intuitive for end user and returns expected results
  • Search for exact match by enclosing search terms within quotes
  • Check that a newly added package gets indexed and returned as part of search results
  • Check for case insensitivity of the keywords and the column identifiers
  • Search for ID and partial ID returns expected results
  • When no field identifier is specified, the keyword it is matched with ID first and then other fields
  • Multi-string search term with/ without quotes
  • Search for the value of fields other than - Id, Title, Author, Description, and Tags
  • Clicking on a tag/author would open search page with word as the search term
  • Localized strings like "Author:"Jörn Zaefferer"
  • Multiple field query search
  • Add leading and trailing space in the keywords and make sure it works
  • Search using title
  • Search with "." and "-"

Package Upload

  • User is able to use feed sources while behind proxy/authentication
  • User is able to use nuget.exe with authentication
  • User is able to use nuget features behind a proxy requiring authentication
  • Proxies requiring authentication
  • Repositories requiring authentication

Package Download

  • Using VS, Browser and NuGet commandline * Official source * Private hosted galleries * Source requiring authentication * Local * UNC * Install/ UnInstall/ Update/Restore with different feed sources * Enable/ Disable different Sources * Machine-wide source * Curated Feeds * Add/ Remove/ Edit feed sources
    • NuGet.Config
    • Visual Studio ‘Package Manager Settings’ dialog

Package Restore

  • Using VS and NuGet.exe, try package restore
    • From official source
    • From privately hosted galleries
    • Sources requiring authentication
    • Local
    • UNC


  • Rendering of UI elements
  • Accessibility
  • UX
  • Intuitiveness of UI workflows

Curated Feeds

  • Nuget gallery curated feed and package inclusion/exclusion

    • Create the curated feed via\dbadmin
      • Automatic package inclusion based on rules
      • Manual inclusing of packages to a feed
      • Remove packages from curated feeds, verify they no longer show in the Included Packages list
        • Remove one or multiple
        • Remove all
    • Exclude automatically-curated packages, verify they show up in the Excluded Packages list
      • Exclude one or multiple
      • Exclude all

    Use of Nuget VS UI, package management console and Nuget.exe with curated feeds

    • Addition of the curated feed service URL to package settings as a feed
    • Verify if feed is displayed and can be selected from Package source (Console and UI)
    • Multiple curated feed in the setting
      • List of available packages for the curated feed
      • Verify that the list match what’s been curated in the “Included Package” list, minus the ones that are unlisted (Console and UI, Get-Package –ListAvailable)
      • Try Install-Package, Uninstall-Package, Update-Package (Console and UI equivalent), and add-bindingredirect, new-package
      • Try Nuget.exe install

E2E Scenarios

  • Account Registration, Package Upload, Package Management, Search and Download
  • Package Upload, Download and Statistics
  • Account Registration, Password Management and Login


  • Use the peak loads to stress the download, restore and upload scenarios


Client Compatibility

  • For every gallery deployment, client tests are run to make sure client scenarios work as expected
    • Install
    • Uninstall
    • Update
    • Restore
    • Search

Support Request

  • Report Abuse
  • Contact Owners


What's Being Worked On?

Check out the proposals in the accepted & proposed folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.

Common Problems

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