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Show outdated packages

Anand Gaurav edited this page Aug 14, 2018 · 12 revisions

Some functionalities of dotnet outdated have been incorporated into dotnet list. Spec:


NuGet outdated, check or equivalent functionality #5762


  • Currently the VS PM UI shows the packages for which updates are available, a similar functionality with the CLI is much needed. This should work with all package format types including PackageReference (v4), project.json(v2) and packages.config (v1).
  • Unlisted/Vulnerable/Obsolete packages should be flagged both in the PM UI and using CLI commands. See issue: Deprecate obsolete, vulnerable or legacy packages #2867



We should have an outdated command that can tell users the outdated packages.

Running in the project folder - Shows only packages that need updates, by default

> dotnet nuget outdated <optional project name or project file>

3 packages need your attention - 2 outdated, 1 deprecated.

Package                Current     Wanted      Latest   
EntityFramework        6.1.2       6.1.2       6.2.0   
NUnit                  2.4.0       2.6.4       3.8.1  
My.Sample.Pkg          2.1.3 (D)   4.1.0       4.1.0

(D): Deprecated package(s). Use '--show-deprecated' option for more info.

The outdated command should have multiple options built into it as summarized in the table below:

outdated command option Behavior
--include-prerelease Includes prerelelease versions in the results
--show-deprecated Shows deprecated packages details
--show-latest-patch Shows updates available up to latest patch versions
--all Shows all packages irrespective of whether updates are available or not
--include-transitive Includes transitive packages too in the result


Show pre-release package updates

> dotnet nuget outdated --include-prerelease

3 packages need your attention - 2 outdated, 1 deprecated.

Package                Current     Wanted      Latest   
EntityFramework        6.1.2       6.1.2       7.0.0-beta4   
NUnit                  2.4.0       2.6.4       3.8.1  
My.Sample.Pkg          2.1.3 (D)   4.1.0       4.1.0

(D): Deprecated package(s). Use '--show-deprecated' option for more info.

Show package updates up to latest patch versions

> dotnet nuget outdated --show-latest-patch

3 packages need your attention - 2 outdated, 1 deprecated.

Package                Current     Wanted      Latest Patch   
EntityFramework        6.1.2       6.1.2       6.1.8   
NUnit                  2.4.0       2.6.4       2.4.1  
My.Sample.Pkg          2.1.3 (D)   4.1.0       2.1.6

(D): Deprecated package(s). Use '--show-deprecated' option for more info.

Show all packages in the project

> dotnet nuget outdated --all

Total 4 packages. 
3 packages need your attention - 2 outdated, 1 deprecated.

Package                Current     Wanted      Latest   
Newtonsoft.Json        11.0.2      11.0.2      11.0.2
EntityFramework        6.1.2       6.1.2       7.0.0-beta4   
NUnit                  2.4.0       2.6.4       3.8.1  
My.Sample.Pkg          2.1.3 (D)   4.1.0       4.1.0

(D): Deprecated package(s). Use '--show-deprecated' option for more info.

Show deprecated packages in the project

> dotnet nuget outdated --show-deprecated

Found 3 deprecated packages.

Package                Current       Fixed in   Latest    Deprecation reason   
My.Sample.Pkg          2.1.3         2.2.0      4.1.0     Vulnerable (CVE#<CVE#>): <Author's comment>
Demo.Utilities         1.1.0         -          -         Legacy: Please use My.Demo.Utilities package instead.
Sample.Functions       0.1.0-beta2   1.0.0      2.1.0     Deprecated: Newer stable version available.

Show outdated packages in the solution

> dotnet nuget outdated

<Project name>
<List of outdated packages>

<Project name>
<List of outdated packages>

<Project name>
<List of outdated packages>

(D): Deprecated package(s). Use '--show-deprecated' option for more info.
Total 54 outdated need your attention - 47 outdated, 7 deprecated. 


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