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Package Markdown Support

Christy Henriksson edited this page Jun 21, 2017 · 3 revisions


Currently, the package details page contains release notes, a small summary and description, version history, owners, authors, tags, copyright info, a few statistics relevant to the number of downloads, and other data such as the last time the package was updated and 1 link to a “project site.” Consumers have expressed that the package details page lacks the relevant information important in determining whether to download a package or not.

As part of improving the NuGet Gallery’s package details pages, we would like to display additional data such as repository statistics and ReadMe files.

The ultimate goal is to support inside the nupkg, similar to README.txt. We will initially add Gallery support for inserting the into the package after upload, but can later extend support to the client during packing.


  • [P0]: An author can associate a repository URL with their package, separate from the existing project URL.
  • [P0]: An author can upload a file for display on package page for each specific version, with markdown support.
    • Upload file from client
    • Download file from (non-persisted) URL, defaulting to the from the repository URL.
  • [P0]: An author can choose to opt-in to the feature for future package pushes (pending clarification).
  • [Stretch]: NuGet client support for packing with
  • [Stretch]: GitHub OAuth support and statistics integration.


  • Dynamic updates to from GitHub.
  • Redesign of other pages (limited to Package Verify/Edit/Details).
  • NuSpec changes (aside from repository URL).
  • Other repository types (limited to GitHub).


Schema: Repository URL

Add repository URL to the Packages (version) and PackageEdits table. Note that there is some support for this in clients (csproj, but not nuget.exe)

User Interface

  • Upload/Verify Package and Edit Package views

    • Add textbox for repo URL
    • Add opt-in checkbox for package registration (pending clarification)
    • Add UI for uploading from disk or URL
  • Package Details view

    • Support for rendering, if found
    • Display under (pending: and in addition to) description.

Job and Storage

Keeping the ultimate goal in mind, the upload/edit should update the nupkg in cloud storage to include the Eventually client will support packing the nupkg originally with the The should also be uploaded to a separate blob as a Gallery optimization for rendering the markdown.

  • Gallery Trigger

    • Creates PackageEdit for README (pending: do we need bool column?)
    • Uploads PackageEdit blob for edit
    • Cancel of PackageEdit should delete pending edit blob
  • NuGet.Jobs/HandlePackageEdits

    • Supports repository URL updates; updates nuspec
    • Supports updates; replaces blob and updates nupkg


What's Being Worked On?

Check out the proposals in the accepted & proposed folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.

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