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This script provides a way to bulk ingest data into one or more cases.


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Bulk Ingestron

License This script was last tested in Nuix 9.4

View the GitHub project here or download the latest release here.


Written By: Jason Wells

This script provides a way to bulk ingest data into one or more cases based on an input CSV and series of settings files. This script is intended to be ran using nuix_console.exe and is almost entirely headless except for a prompt to pick an input CSV file.

Getting Started


Begin by downloading the latest release of this code. Extract the contents of the archive into a directory. Configure the various settings files as noted below. Build an input CSV (see included example for template). Run BulkIngestron.rb via nuix_console.exe with a command such as:

"C:\Program Files\Nuix\Nuix 9.4\nuix_console.exe" ^
-Dfile.encoding=utf8 ^
-Xms2g -Xmx24g ^
-licencesourcetype dongle ^
-licenceworkers 4 ^

When prompted, select the input CSV file you created.

Settings Files


This is a JSON file containing the various ingestion settings to be used. If a value is set to null, then Nuix will use its default values. See API documentation for Processor.setProcessingSettings.


This is a JSON file containing the various worker settings to be used. If a value is set to null, then Nuix will use its default values. See API documentation for ParallelProcessingConfigurable.setParallelProcessingSettings.


This is a JSON file containing OCR settings which will be used if performOcrPostIngestion is set to true in GeneralSettings.json. If a value is set to null, then Nuix will use its default values. See API documentation for OcrProcessor.process for details on available settings.

Note: In addition to those settings there is a setting ocrProfileName which may be used to instead specify an OCR profile to use. Note that when a value is provided for this setting, the other settings in this file are ignored. This setting is only supported when using Nuix 7.4 and up.


This is a JSON file containing the evidence settings to use. If a value is set to null, then Nuix will use defaults based on the current machine.


This JSON file contains settings not specific to Nuix.

  • sleepBetweenJobs: The number of seconds the script should wait after completing a job, before starting the next job. This setting was added because in some situations worker licence release may take a moment.
  • ignoreUnknownMimeTypes: This setting relates to how unknown mime types found in MimeTypeSettings.csv are handled. When true, unknown mime types will log a warning but processing will proceed anyways. When false, the script will intentionally halt before processing begins if unknown mime types are present in MimeTypeSettings.csv. The available mime types are checked against those which Nuix reports are available using a call to Utilities.getItemUtility.getAllTypes.
  • allowCaseMigration: When true you are giving Nuix permission to migrate older cases which may be opened by this script to the current version of Nuix running the script. When false you are denying permission to Nuix to migrate cases. If this is set to false and the case requires migration, the particular ingestion will be skipped.
  • additionalReportingScope: When ingestion completes, some numbers are gather and recorded regarding evidence total items, evidence audited items, etc. These numbers are scoped to the evidence just added. This setting allows you to specify additional scoping criteria in the form of a Nuix query. This allows you to further excluded what items may be reported, for example to excluded certain kinds of error items. If this value is null or empty, it has no effect.
  • performIngestion: Allows you to turn off the ingestion step. This setting is intended to be set to false only when performOcrPostIngestion is set to true. The intended use is to allow you to run the script in an OCR only pass, using the same input file used to perform the ingestions.
  • performOcrPostIngestion: Determines whether OCR will be performed against the items just ingested. When true OCR will be performed. When false no OCR will be performed. Items which are OCR'ed when true will be limited to items present in the just added evidence and those responsive to the query provided in postIngestionOcrQuery. Settings used to perform OCR are specified in the file OcrSettings.json and worker settings used are determined by those provided in ParallelProcessingSettings.json.
  • postIngestionOcrQuery: In addition to being scoped to the evidence just added, this query determines which items will be OCR'ed when performOcrPostIngestion is true.
  • keyStoreFile: If a path to a key store CSV is provided for this setting, keystore entries will be added to the processor before each ingestion. See Key Store File for more details. Note: In JSON a \ is a special character so when providing a path to a key store file using this setting \ needs to be escaped as \\. For example C:\Path\KeyStoreData.csv needs to be provided as "C:\\Path\\KeyStoreData.csv".
  • workerSideScriptFile: If a path to a Ruby worker side script file is provided for this setting, the contents of that file will be provided to Nuix as the worker side script to use during processing. Note: In JSON a \ is a special character so when providing a path to a worker side script file using this setting \ needs to be escaped as \\. For example C:\Path\WSS.rb needs to be provided as "C:\\Path\\WSS.rb".


This is a CSV in which you can specify settings for specific mime types. The CSV contains the following columns:

  • Kind: The particular kind, for reference only
  • LocalisedName: The "friendly" name of the type, for reference only
  • PreferredExtension: The commonly known extension for the type, for reference only
  • MimeType: The mime type, should match values in Nuix
  • Enabled: see below
  • ProcessEmbedded: see below
  • ProcessText: see below
  • TextStrip: see below
  • ProcessNamedEntities: see below
  • ProcessImages: see below
  • StoreBinary: see below

You can specify what will or will not be processed for various Mime Types by setting the relevant column to true or false. For additional details about the last several columns refer to the API documentation for Processor.setMimeTypeProcessingSettings.

Note: If a record is not present for a given type, nothing is set and Nuix will use it's defaults for that type (see API doc link above).

Important: When the script loads mime type settings from MimeTypeSettings.csv they will be checked against those present in your version of Nuix. Depending on your configuration, unrecognized mime types will either be ignored or the script will halt. See GeneralSettings.json for details.


This is a JSON formatted file which contains information about when the script should sleep. When the script detects the current time is within a scheduled sleep time it will enter an idle loop until the scheduled sleep time has ended. The sleep schedule is checked at the following points during processing:

  • Before starting the next job
  • Before ingestion begins for a given job
  • During ingest for a given job
  • Before starting OCR for a given job
  • During OCR of a given job

The default schedule settings specify no sleep times:

	"sunday": {
		"sleep_start": "",
		"sleep_stop": ""
	"monday": {
		"sleep_start": "",
		"sleep_stop": ""
	"tuesday": {
		"sleep_start": "",
		"sleep_stop": ""
	"wednesday": {
		"sleep_start": "",
		"sleep_stop": ""
	"thursday": {
		"sleep_start": "",
		"sleep_stop": ""
	"friday": {
		"sleep_start": "",
		"sleep_stop": ""
	"saturday": {
		"sleep_start": "",
		"sleep_stop": ""

To configure a sleep time for a given day, you must provide a time such as 6:00 AM or 5:45 PM in both sleep_start and sleep_stop for the given day. Blank time values for either specify no sleep time for the given day.

Imagine you wished to setup the sleep schedule for the following:

  • No sleeping on Saturday and Sunday (servers are available all day)
  • Sleep 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday thru Thursday (during office hours, servers are in use)
  • Sleep 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM on Friday (shorter office hours so sleep time is shorter)

You could provided a JSON file like the following:

	"sunday": {
		"sleep_start": "",
		"sleep_stop": ""
	"monday": {
		"sleep_start": "8:00 AM",
		"sleep_stop": "5:00 PM"
	"tuesday": {
		"sleep_start": "8:00 AM",
		"sleep_stop": "5:00 PM"
	"wednesday": {
		"sleep_start": "8:00 AM",
		"sleep_stop": "5:00 PM"
	"thursday": {
		"sleep_start": "8:00 AM",
		"sleep_stop": "5:00 PM"
	"friday": {
		"sleep_start": "9:00 AM",
		"sleep_stop": "2:00 PM"
	"saturday": {
		"sleep_start": "",
		"sleep_stop": ""


This file is where you may provide Elastic Search cluster information which will be used when the script needs to create a case which will reside in an Elastic Search cluster.

  "clusters": [
      "notes": "Test Environment",
      "": "cluster1",
      "index.number_of_shards": 10,
      "index.number_of_replicas": 1,
      "nuix.transport.hosts": [
      "notes": "Production environment",
      "": "cluster2",
      "index.number_of_shards": 10,
      "index.number_of_replicas": 1,
      "nuix.transport.hosts": [

The clusters array can contain one or more hashes, each of which can contain the following:

Key Description
notes This entry is for your own notes and will be ignored/not provided to Nuix. The name of the cluster. This is also the name you would provide in your input CSV for Cluster Name.
index.number_of_shards See Nuix docs.
index.number_of_replicas See Nuix docs.
nuix.transport.hosts See Nuix docs.

If a given script run will not be creating any Elastic Search based Nuix cases, this can be ignored.

Input Files

Input CSV

Input CSV is expected to have a headers row. It is also expected to have the following columns in the following order with these exact headers:

Column Description
Case Name What to name the case if it needs to be created.
Case Directory The directory of the case to use. If the case does not exist it will be created. If the case does exist it will be opened.
Cluster Name If this row will be creating a case that does not already exist and the case to be created is an elastic search case, this is where you provide a cluster name as noted in ElasticCaseSettings.json as that the case should be created in. Note that value provided here should match exactly the value specified in ElasticCaseSettings.json or See the section regarding ElasticSearchSettings.json for more details about this settings file.
Evidence Name Name of the evidence to be created.
Evidence Comments Comments which will be applied to the evidence container item.
Custodian The custodian to assign to the evidence.
Source Path The path to the source data. If this is a directory Nuix will ingest all data in the directory. If this is a absolute file path, just the file will be processed.

You may in addition add columns with whatever header names you would like. Any additional columns are added as custom metadata to the evidence container using the headers as the custom metadata name and cell value as the value to assign.

You can specify multiple paths for a single evidence by separating the paths in Source Path with a ;


See SampleInput.csv included with this script for an example input file.

Key Store File

When the general settings JSON file contains the path to a CSV file, the entries in this CSV will be added to the processor key store before each ingestion. Entries are added by specifying the target source data as * which means the script leaves Nuix to figure out which ID file is associated to which source data.

The key store CSV is expected to have the following columns in this order, with headers:

Column Description
KeyFile The absolute path to an appropriate key file.
Password The password Nuix will use to access this key file.
TargetEvidenceName (optional) If a value if provided, this key will only be loaded to the key store while processing the evidence with the same name in the input CSV. Names are matched case insensitive.

An example key file CSV might look something like this:

KeyFile Password TargetEvidenceName
C:\Keys\ secretpassword
C:\Keys\ mittensthekitten Evidence001

See included ExampleKeyStoreFile.csv for a starter template CSV.

Passwords File

If a Passwords.txt file is found in the script directory, its contents will be provided as a password list during ingestion for Nuix to attempt to use to decrypt some data.

Output Files

While running three files are created and updated, named with a timestamp.

  • All output written to standard out will also be logged to a log file {TIMESTAMP}_Log.txt
  • After each individual ingestion job is completed it will either be recorded to the error report or the success report depending on whether there were any errors.

IMPORTANT: Do not open the output CSV files until the script completes as this could cause a file permissions error!

Error Report


  • Case Name
  • Case Directory
  • Evidence Name
  • Evidence Comments
  • Custodian Name
  • Source Path
  • .. Any Custom Metadata Columns You Defined ...
  • Error Message

Success Report


  • Case Name
  • Case Directory
  • Evidence Name
  • Evidence Comments
  • Custodian Name
  • Source Path
  • .. Any Custom Metadata Columns You Defined ...
  • Total Item Count
  • Total Emails Count
  • Total Audited Item Count
  • Total Audited Size GB
  • Total OCR Items
  • Ingestion Elapsed
  • OCR Elapsed
  • Total Elapsed


Copyright 2021 Nuix

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.