Five math console games.
- brain-even - given a number, your task is to answer whether it is even or not
- brain-calc - an example is given that needs to be solved
- brain-gcd - find the common divisor of two numbers
- brain-prime - given a number, it’s tedious to answer whether the number is prime or not
- brain-progression - tedious find missing number
To win each game you need to answer 3 questions correctly
Games | Description | |
1 | brain-even | Answer "yes" if the number is even, otherwise answer "no". |
2 | brain-calc | What is the result of the expression? |
3 | brain-gcd | Find the greatest common divisor of given numbers. |
4 | brain-prime | Answer "yes" if given number is prime. Otherwise answer "no". |
5 | brain-progression | What number is missing in the progression? |
Clone the repository and install manually.
$ git clone
$ cd python-project-lvl1
$ poetry build
$ python3 -m pip install --user dist/*.whl
python3 -m build
python3 -m pip install --user dist/*.whl
This repository contains the Docker image for Brain Games.
To run a Docker image, follow these steps:
- docker push nualiev/brain-games:latest
- docker run -it nualiev/brain-games
To start, enter the name of the game.
$ brain-even
$ brain-calc
$ brain-gcd
$ brain-prime
$ brain-progression