This is a simple script for Termux to switch from boring BASH shell and use oh-my-zsh along with some basic zsh-syntax-highlighting on your device, as well as some color schemes (Ported by me from Gogh). This also installs the fast, powerful, and highly customizable powerlevel10k theme for ZSH.
- A device running Android 5.0 or above. (Recommended to have Android 7.0+ coz of this)
- Termux app, duh. (Install from Google Play or F-Droid)
Installing this is as easy as running the command below. (Recommended this on a clean Termux install)
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
By default, you will be prompted to check for upgrades every few weeks. If you would like LitMux to automatically upgrade itself without prompting you, set the following in your ~/.zshrc
To disable automatic upgrades, set the following in your ~/.zshrc
If you'd like to upgrade the shell and it's plugins at any point in time you just need to run:
I get it. LitMux isn't for everyone. (TODO: Add a good farewell line here.)
If you want to uninstall LitMux, just run litmux-purge
from the command-line. It will remove itself and revert to the plain old BASH shell and the default black and white color scheme.
- Cabbagec for his termux-ohmyzsh script.
- icy for his pacapt wrapper.
- The contributors of the ohmyzsh community to maintain such an awesome project.
- All of the color schemes are ported by me from Gogh, they deserve their kudos.
- romkatv for the awesome powerlevel10k theme for ZSH.