This is a clone of the awwards website where users can post projects they have worked on and other users can vote on the project based on other criteria
Fork this repository or clone it to your local machine on ubuntu use the following commands
git clone
- You will need to install the following for you you to be able to run the following application in your local machine.
- Python version 3.6
- postgres database
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
- set up a virtual environment using the following command
python3.6 -m venv --without-pip virtual
And activate it
source virtual/bin/activate
- install the latest version of pip
curl | python
- Install the requirements in the requirements.txt file using
pip install -r requirements.txt
- create a .env file in your rootfolder and add the following configurations
- create postgres database
CREATE DATABASE <your-database-name>
- create a migration using the following command
python3.6 makemigrations
and migrate
python3.6 migrate
- create a admin account
python 3.6 createsuperuser
and add your credentials
- run the application using
python3.6 runserver
- navigate to the admin panel by typing
End with an example of getting some data out of the system or using it for a little demo
Run the system test by typing the following commands
python3.6 tests
View the following document inorder to deploy to a live system
- Kingecha Kevin Nyota - Initial work - Nyota254
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details