Simple Ducky Script to Arduino, Digispark And MuKeyboard converter Online.
If you need to perform mouse emulation then use Ducky2Arduino.
NOTE: If you are on linux, you might use the Arduino IDE from the website, not from apt, because the apt repo is not up to date.
You can compile Ducky Script to *Arduino, Digispark And MuKeyboard code directly through the live version, or reuse DuckDuino.js
for standalone use :
let Duck = new DuckDuino();
let mods = new Modules().list;
let output = Duck.compileCode("STRING Thanks OCEAN OF ANYTHING !", mods[0].module);
/* ^- Here will be the final compiled code |
** and errors if applicable. |
** Here is the selected module -/
** Note: You can iterate through the list and find the desired one,
** by default, `0` will be the first module.